Black Sailors: Afro-American Merchant Seamen and Whalemen by Martha Putney PDF

By Martha Putney

ISBN-10: 031325639X

ISBN-13: 9780313256394

This is often the 1st publication to rfile completely the approach to life and collective event of the various millions of black sailors in this period of time. quite a few illustrations within the kind of unique charts, tables, workforce lists, and customs files help the textual content. In a penetrating learn, the writer unveils the large contribution made ahead of the Civil conflict to the nation's economic system, status, and gear by means of black americans.

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Sample text

The first of the female mariners, in point of time, at the ports studied was a slave. With given name only, she was one of two or three (the outbound and inbound lists lacked conformity) slaves of the owner of the Shark, which sailed from New Orleans to Pensacola on August 25, 1807. Another mariner, a seventeen-year-old Charleston-born "mulatto woman," was "a slave to the captain" of the Miller of Boston. On board with the female was at least one free black crewman when the ship cleared for Havana on May 1, 1822.

Thirteen of the stewardesses and the three seamstresses were on steamships. Except for two sailings between Charleston and Havana, the steamships travelled between New York and New Orleans via Havana. These steamships carried passengers, cargo, and mail. The large size and composition of the crews, with several grades of cooks, pantry aides, chief steward and his assistants, and waiters, indicated that the dominant activity of some of these steamships was passenger service. 5 years. The two oldest were forty-three and fifty, and the youngest were sixteen and seventeen.

All three of these individuals could have remained in the free states of Rhode Island and Massachusetts unless the slave catchers ran them down or the authorities surrendered them to their owners. The case of Sylvain Fournier was different. Fournier, a mulatto, enrolled as a slave seaman on the Missouri out of The Black Complement 35 Baltimore, which sailed to Bordeaux on May 2, 1815. When the ship made port in France, Noel Fournier, a passenger on board, claimed that Sylvain belonged to him and took Sylvain off the vessel.

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Black Sailors: Afro-American Merchant Seamen and Whalemen Prior to the Civil War (Contributions in Afro-American and African Studies) by Martha Putney

by Donald

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