By L. Gary Leal
ISBN-10: 0511296479
ISBN-13: 9780511296475
ISBN-10: 0521849101
ISBN-13: 9780521849104
Complicated delivery Phenomena is perfect as a graduate textbook. It features a unique dialogue of contemporary analytic tools for the answer of fluid mechanics and warmth and mass move difficulties, concentrating on approximations in line with scaling and asymptotic equipment, starting with the derivation of easy equations and boundary stipulations and concluding with linear balance thought. additionally coated are unidirectional flows, lubrication and thin-film thought, creeping flows, boundary layer idea, and convective warmth and mass delivery at low and high Reynolds numbers. The emphasis is on uncomplicated physics, scaling and nondimensionalization, and approximations that may be used to acquire ideas which are due both to geometric simplifications, or huge or small values of dimensionless parameters. the writer emphasizes establishing difficulties and extracting as a lot info as attainable wanting acquiring exact strategies of differential equations. The publication additionally specializes in the strategies of consultant difficulties. This displays the book's aim of educating readers to contemplate the answer of delivery difficulties.
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Additional info for Advanced Transport Phenomena: Fluid Mechanics and Convective Transport Processes (Cambridge Series in Chemical Engineering)
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G. Powell, C. R. Robertson, and S. T. Thoroddsen, “Multi-Media Fluid Mechanics,” CD-ROM, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004). 7. M. Van Dyke, An Album of Fluid Motion (Parabolic Press, Stanford, CA, 1982). 8. M. Samimy, K. S. Breuer, L. G. Leal, and P. H. Steen, A Gallery of Fluid Motion (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004). 9. Introductory note: Most transport and/or fluids problems are not amenable to analysis by classical methods for linear differential equations, either because the equations are nonlinear (or simply too complicated in the case of the thermal energy equation, which is linear in temperature if natural convection effects can be neglected), or because the solution domain is complicated in shape (or in the case of problems involving a fluid interface having a shape that is a priori unknown).
Chapter 11: Heat and Mass Transfer at Large Reynolds Number In this chapter, we return to forced convection heat and mass transfer problems when the Reynolds number is large enough that the velocity field takes the boundary-layer form. , the Nusselt number for heat transfer) and the independent dimensionless parameters, Reynolds number Re and either Prandtl number Pr or Schmidt number Sc of the form Nu = cRea Prb or Nu = cRea Scb . 5 for laminar flow conditions and Re 1. On the other hand, the coefficient b depends on the maginitude of the Prandtl (or Schmidt) number and also changes depending on whether the boundary is a no-slip surface or a fluid interface.
The next section of the chapter develops the key ideas of the asymptotic boundary-layer theory. This is first applied to the classic Blasius problem of flow past a horizontal flat plate and then considers the class of problems in which self-similar solutions of the boundary-layer equations are possible. This is followed by the Blasius series solution for flow past nonstreamlined bodies and the application of this theory to the problem of flow past a circular cylinder. This exposes a key result, which is the ability of boundary-layer theory to predict the onset of “separation” and thus to determine whether a two-dimensional body (such as an airfoil) is sufficiently streamlined to avoid “form” drag.
Advanced Transport Phenomena: Fluid Mechanics and Convective Transport Processes (Cambridge Series in Chemical Engineering) by L. Gary Leal
by Daniel