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By Munson, Young and Okiishi

ISBN-10: 1119080703

ISBN-13: 9781119080701

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The results of the investigation show strong dependence of the temperature and velocity profiles on the character of change in Tw and on the stratification level of the medium. The local heat transfer coefficient calculated on the basis of the initial temperature difference decreases with increase in the stratification. As Tw decreases, the influence of the stratification becomes more significant. These effects are felt more a strongly for large Pr numbers. 7 Loss of Stability and Transition to Turbulence 25 stratification of the temperature outside the boundary layer and the boundary layer near the vertical surface.

Laminar free-convective plume above a thin electrically heated wire: (a) interferogram of the plume, (b) instability of the free-convective plume caused by motion of the environment Fig. 5. 7 Loss of Stability and Transition to Turbulence 35 Fig. 6. Disturbances of a free-convective plume above a horizontal cylinder with a constant heat flux on the wall. Diameter of the cylinder d = 10 mm. 6 Hz. The disturbances are created by a harmonically oscillating horizontal plate Fig. 7. Disturbances of a free-convective plume above a horizontal cylinder with a constant heat flux on the wall.

5 Hz (Fig. 1a) small initial disturbances increase downstream, for f = 2 Hz (Fig. 1b) the initial disturbances damp. 2 shows an interferogram of the disturbances of the laminar boundary layer created by periodic pulse heating of a horizontal wire. The period of heating was equal to about 2 sec. It is seen from the interferogram that originating the disturbance propagates downstream virtually not changing its form. Fig. 2. 44] in application to natural convection, can be considered two-dimensional.

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Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 8th edition by Munson, Young and Okiishi

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