Comparative Economic Theory Occidental and Islamic - download pdf or read online

By Masudul Alam Choudhury

ISBN-10: 1441950974

ISBN-13: 9781441950970

ISBN-10: 1475748140

ISBN-13: 9781475748147

Comparative fiscal conception: Occidental and Islamic Perspectives seeks first to clarify the character and technique of Islamic political economic system as a process-oriented social financial system guided by means of its cardinal epistemology of Oneness of God (Divine Unity). From this premise is then derived the episteme of unification of information upon that's constructed the methodological content material of a very interactive, integrative and progressive world-view of political financial system and a meta-theory of the socio-scientific order. Secondly, whereas laying out the construction blocks of Islamic political financial system and its a lot wider methodological implication for the socio-scientific order, this booklet bargains a comparative research of occidental concept within the related parts. Thirdly, subject matters of microeconomics and macroeconomic concept are lined. This ebook concludes with chapters on method and an analytical postscript to teach how the interactive, integrative and evolutionary world-view of knowledge-induced platforms defined by means of the Islamic political economic climate offers new visions of medical thinking.

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Comparative financial conception: Occidental and Islamic views seeks first to explain the character and method of Islamic political economic climate as a process-oriented social financial system guided through its cardinal epistemology of Oneness of God (Divine Unity). From this premise is then derived the episteme of unification of data upon that's built the methodological content material of an exceptionally interactive, integrative and innovative world-view of political economic system and a meta-theory of the socio-scientific order.

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Markets in this unified order become a system of exchange and exchangeables that are cognitive creations of knowledge flows. Thus the market transacts not goods but knowledge in the first place. Thereby, social contracts become the exchangeables rather than fetish goods in this system of knowledge-based transactions. REFERENCES 1. Von Mises, 1. 1976. ). 2. A. Hayek, Keynes to name a few in the socioeconomic field. 3. H. 1967. H. Economics and Liberalism (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press) pp.

This implies that all events are primarily controlled by, appear and disappear in the field of matter. No doubt, this was an early thinking regarding the problem of 'field in physics', which later on engaged a substantive part of Einstein's theory of general relativity. Einstein wrote (Einstein trans. Lawson 1954 p. e. a space without field. Space-time does not claim existence on its own, but only as a structural quality ofthe field. The argument regarding the persistence of the universe in the field of matter is also a Cartesian concept of res extensa of systemic relations (Holton 1975).

Incorporating all these together comprises the divine purpose of Shari'ah (maqasid al-Shar'iah). We will refer to the admixture of these five elements as the Divine Attributes. There is no particular way in which these attributes are observed and implemented in the Islamic socio-scientific order, since they are all diversely interlinked in the grand interactive design of the universe. " It is also this multiplicity of ways in deriving the rules of Shari'ah (ahkam asShari'ah) that bestows the principle of diversity within the universe of unity.

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Comparative Economic Theory Occidental and Islamic Perspectives by Masudul Alam Choudhury

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