By Thomas Ott
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Because Ibn Hazm quoted the "Rabbanites" in this context and attacked the anthropomorphic book Shi'ur Qomah (p. 221), Perlmann thought that he might have had a Karaite (or Christian) source; but the existence of pre-Kabbalistic Jewish mystics in Spain is now well enough attested to make them a plausible source as well. In fact, in the same context, Ibn Hazm twice mentions Sandalphon (pp. " Nevertheless he states that Jews worship this "smaller God" for ten days each year (p. 2 2 3 t a probable reference to the ten days of Atonement that start with the beginning of the Jewish New Year (see note 36 abovetwhich may be connected to the Jewish mystical view that Metatron took part in the creation of the world commemorated on the Jewish Rosh Hashanah festival at the beginning of each year.
Brinner and S. Ricks (Atlanta 1986) pp. 109-21, and especially the new approach to this book by S. Stroumsa, "From Muslim Heresy to Jewish-Muslim Polemics: Ibn al-Rawandi's Kitab Al-Ddmigh,"JAOS 107 (1987): 767-72. 28 Chapter Two cases in which the given Biblical text must necessarily have been falsified and could never be ascribed to a divinely inspired revelation. Interestingly, most of the many details he provides are already mentioned in various preIslamic polemical sources, such as in early Rabbinic texts or by Christian, Judaeo-Christian, anti-Christian, and Gnostic authors.
Roth, "Forgery and Abrogation of the Torah,"P A N R 54 (1987): 215, wrongly connects this with Isa. 66:20 and with the implausible assumption that Ibn Hazm misunderstood "horseriders"(furscin for the plural of "Persians"(furs). 58 Muslim Arguments against the Bible . 59He then adduces as an example the Jewish practice of cleansing from impurity (of the dead) by means of the ashes of a red heifer (see Num. 19), a practice that was necessarily abandoned after the destruction of the Temple. In addition, he quotes extensively, in Hebrew, from the Jewish prayer book, to show that Jewish sages practically invented most of the prayers that were unknown to Moses, just as they added many laws to the Torah, thus "increasing the burden" of law upon the Jewish people--directly contradicting Deut.
Dead End by Thomas Ott
by Edward