By B. Preetham Kumar
ISBN-10: 1439817391
ISBN-13: 9781439817391
Advent TO electronic sign PROCESSING short concept of DSP ConceptsProblem SolvingComputer Laboratory: advent to MATLAB®/SIMULINK®Hardware Laboratory: operating with Oscilloscopes, Spectrum Analyzers, sign SourcesDigital sign Processors (DSPs)ReferencesDISCRETE-TIME LTI signs AND structures short idea of Discrete-Time indications and SystemsProblem SolvingComputer Laboratory: Simulation of constant TimeRead more...
summary: advent TO electronic sign PROCESSING short idea of DSP ConceptsProblem SolvingComputer Laboratory: advent to MATLAB®/SIMULINK®Hardware Laboratory: operating with Oscilloscopes, Spectrum Analyzers, sign SourcesDigital sign Processors (DSPs)ReferencesDISCRETE-TIME LTI indications AND structures short idea of Discrete-Time indications and SystemsProblem SolvingComputer Laboratory: Simulation of continuing Time and Discrete-Time signs and platforms ReferencesTIME AND FREQUENCY research OF conversation indications short concept of Discrete-Time Fourier remodel (DTFT), Discrete Fourier rework
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However, if a circuit is soldered together, that would be more ideal. 12. The source output of the Signal Analyzer is simultaneously connected to the input port of the filter circuit and also to Channel 1 of the Signal Analyzer, while the output port of the filter circuit is connected to Channel 2 of the Signal Analyzer. 12 Experimental setup for frequency response measurement. 20 Digital Signal Processing Laboratory • It is important to set the Signal Analyzer settings appropriately to obtain the frequency response of the filter circuit.
30 Digital Signal Processing Laboratory • All-pass systems: As the name implies, an all-pass system has a frequency response magnitude that is independent of ω. 13) ( ) which implies that the magnitude response H ap e jω = 1 . • Minimum phase systems: A minimum phase system has both its poles and zeros inside the unit circle. This implies that both a minimum phase system, and its inverse are stable. 14) This will ensure that the inverse system is stable. The following points are very important in design of stable inverse filters in practical communication systems: • In communication systems, signals often pass through noisy random channels.
5 s. • C hange the input signal amplitude to 6 volts, and input signal frequency to twice its original value, and observe on the time scope. Obtain a printout of the output signal. Comment on the differences between output signals obtained in part (ii) and part (iii) of this exercise. 8 Hardware Laboratory Basic Experiments Using Sources and Measuring Equipment a. In this experiment, basic time and frequency measurements will be performed using the oscilloscope and signal analyzer. 10. Use BNC cables and a BNC Tee to connect the circuit.
Digital Signal Processing Laboratory, Second Edition by B. Preetham Kumar
by George