By G.R. Wilson (Auth.)
ISBN-10: 0750650648
ISBN-13: 9780750650649
Content material:
, Pages xi-xii
Notation utilized in the text
, Page xiii
1 - Binary numbers
, Pages 3-11
2 - good judgment expressions
, Pages 12-32
3 - digital common sense circuits
, Pages 33-51
4 - computing device arithmetic
, Pages 52-67
5 - computing device design
, Pages 71-85
6 - guide set and code assembly
, Pages 86-99
7 - software structures
, Pages 100-124
8 - basic computing device circuits
, Pages 125-137
9 - enter and output ports
, Pages 138-147
10 - enter and output methods
, Pages 148-171
11 - extra devices
, Pages 172-184
12 - Assembler and linker tools
, Pages 185-195
13 - The regulate unit
, Pages 196-211
14 - better computers
, Pages 215-224
15 - Cache memory
, Pages 225-234
16 - reminiscence management
, Pages 235-244
Appendix A - G80 guide set
, Pages 245-260
Appendix B - ASCII personality codes
, Page 261
Appendix C - the enter and output devices
, Pages 262-283
Appendix D - The GDS assembler and linker
, Pages 284-290
, Pages 291-294
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The 1-bit adder is traditionally called a full adder. We can easily design the circuit of the full adder using the truth-table method from Chapter 2. 3. After simplification we obtain the expressions for the logic of the full adder: Ci | Ai Ti Ci Ci+l Si 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 S i - - / C i . / A i . /Ti -k- C i . A i . T i Ci+l -- A i . T i + A i . 2 results in the required 4bit adder. This adder has a width of 4 bits; it can readily be extended to produce an adder of any width.
B . /A. = / C . B. B + / B . / A + / C . / B = / C . /A. B + / B . / A + / C . / B = / B . B. /A + / C . / B + / B . A (ii) Y = / B . B where the functions are defined by the following truth table. A. B. 19 Solve Problem 12 using the Quine-McCluskey method. 20 Solve Problem 13 using the Quine-McCluskey method. 21 Solve Problem 14 using the Quine-McCluskey method. 22 Solve Problem 15 using the Quine-McCluskey method. 23 Solve Problem 16 using the Quine-McCluskey method. 24 Solve Problem 17 using the Quine-McCluskey method.
Theoretically, these expressions allow us to design a logic circuit to produce all the carry signals at the same time using two layers of gates. Unfortunately, the expressions become extremely long; give a thought to how the expression for C31 would look! We do not pursue this possible solution any further because the number of gates becomes extremely large. Our second attempt at a solution will result in a practical fast adder. The so-called carry-look-ahead 3 ALU generates all the carry signals at the same time, although not as quickly as our first attempt would have done.
Embedded Systems and Computer Architecture by G.R. Wilson (Auth.)
by Christopher