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By Julio Sanchez

ISBN-10: 1439879044

ISBN-13: 9781439879047

ISBN-10: 1439879311

ISBN-13: 9781439879313

In the course of the improvement of an engineered product, builders usually have to create an embedded system--a prototype--that demonstrates the operation/function of the machine and proves its viability. supplying useful instruments for the advance and prototyping stages, Embedded platforms Circuits and Programming presents an instructional on microcontroller programming and the fundamentals of embedded layout. The ebook specializes in several Read more...

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At this point in time, D and its complement hit the flip-flop inputs, forcing Q to set or re set (unless Q is already equal to D). 5 Preset and Clear Signals The use of flip-flops in dig ital cir cuits usually requires some way of placing the signals in a known state. In this sense a Preset signal is used to make sure that the Set line is high, and a Clear signal to make sure that the Reset line is high. Alternatively, sometimes these signals are referred to as Preset R and Preset S. Figure 3-9 shows how the Preset and Clear functions can be implemented in an RS flip-flop.

The NPN bipolar transistor is shown in Figure 2-9. 14 Chapter 2 emitter collector base p-type n-type NPN TRANSISTOR SYMBOL base n-type emitter collector Figure 2-9 Bipolar, NPN Transistor, and Symbol. A common simplification is to consider a bipolar transistor as two diodes connected back to back so that they share a common end. Because the central base region be tween the col lec tor and emitter is very thin, the device has the unique property of serving as an amplifier. When the transistor’s base-to-emitter p-n junction is forward biased (this could be called the p-n diode), it creates a low resistance in the thin base region that allows a much larger current to flow from the collec tor to the emit ter.

Digital devices, on the other hand, use individual analog levels to represent the circuit’s action. For example, the potentiometer in Figure 2-3 could be replaced with several sets of in-line resistors so that the selector arm could only be placed in one particular level of resistance, as shown in Figure 2-4. Nevertheless, circuits are neither digital nor analog in themselves but in how the circuit values and parameters are interpreted. + - Figure 2-4 A Simple Digital Circuit. 10 Chapter 2 Digital circuits are prevalent in electronics because it is easier to get a device to switch into one of a number of known states than to reproduce a con tinuous range of values.

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Embedded Systems Circuits and Programming by Julio Sanchez

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