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By Richard G. Peddicord

ISBN-10: 0882842781

ISBN-13: 9780882842783

Ebook by means of Peddicord, Richard G.

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E. ,N : ∀c∈C fla (c) = flb (c) → ∀d∈D fla (d) = flb (d) . e. e. ∃ la ,lb : ∀c∈C fla (c) = flb (c) → ∃d∈D fla (d) = flb (d) . 2) is well defined, if all its rules are deterministic. Otherwise, we say that it is not well defined. Let us notice that the decision table having a set of conditional attributes C and a set of decision attributes D is well defined, if the set of decision attributes depends on the set of conditional attributes to a degree which is equal to 1 (C → D), that is γC (D∗ ) = 1. 106) The reason for the decision table to be not well defined is that it contains the so-called non-deterministic rules.

Moreover, in the description of any given object, we only consider a limited number of features, adequate to a given purpose. Quite often, we want to reduce that number to the necessary minimum. These are the problems dealt with by the theory of rough sets. In order to facilitate further discussion, we shall introduce several notions and symbols. First, we shall define the universe of discourse U . It is the set of all objects which constitute the area of our interest. A single j -th element of this space will be denoted as xj .

E. 13), define the set X as shown in Fig. 7. This figure shows the marked equivalence classes making up the P -lower approximation of the set X. 44), the lower approximation is made up by 25 equivalence classes – squares which are entirely subsets of the set X. 7. 56) is called P -upper approximation of the set X ⊆ U . The upper approximation of the set X is the set of the objects x ∈ U , with relation to which, on the basis of values of features P , we can not certainly state that they are not elements of the set X.

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Everything You Can Do With Your Commodore 64 by Richard G. Peddicord

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