New PDF release: Food Related Enzymes

By Whitaker J.R. (ed.)

ISBN-10: 0841202095

ISBN-13: 9780841202092

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Unpreheated preforms (loose powder form) tend to absorb more water under humid conditions and will lose moisture and stiffen in low moisture or dry conditions such as in winter. It is recommended that phenolics be stored at room tempcraturc and 50 to 60% relative humidity. Good weather resistance. Phenolics can be used outdoors for short periods, but prolonged outdoor exposure to ultravioletlight and heat can cause failure. Good machining qualities. Machining qualities are fair to good for molding compounds but are excellent for casting resins.

The criteria used to establish thispoint aregenerallysuffkient “green”strengthof the part (canbe handled without deformation)and sufkient cum to miniize shrinkage(very little shrinkagestressor warpagewill set in beyondthis point). A cure scheduleis derivedby plotting the changein the plastics’ properties of interestagainsttime at temperatureand pressure. A sample curveis generatedlike the oneshownin Figure l-9. hactical considerations generallydictatethat the curetime be chosenat somefractional level of the ultimate properties.

The adhesive material for exterior grade plywood is resole-type phenolic resin with a swell-resistant tiller such as coconut shell. Other fillers used arc oat hulls, wheat flour, and chalk. Wheat flour and chalk are mainly used as extcnders for adhesiveness. The extenders are also used to reduce cost and porosity. Sodium hydroxide serves as a solubilizer in phenolic resin in water. Phenolic resins compete very favorably with urea-formaldehyde bonded plywood, and most of the plywood made today is phenolic resins based.

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Food Related Enzymes by Whitaker J.R. (ed.)

by Ronald

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