General theory of value by Ralph Barton Perry PDF

By Ralph Barton Perry

В книге одного из основателей американского неореализма Ральфа Бартона Перри анализируется понятие ценности, как оно представлено в западной философской традиции. Рассматриваются понятия ценности, интереса, их место в культуре и роль в социальной системе.
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Introduction 21 Acknowledgements The initiative of this volume came from within the Federal Science Policy Office of Belgium in the build-up to an OECD conference on the internationalisation of R&D to be held in March 2005. Thanks to Philippe Mettens and Ward Ziarko for their support from the onset of this book project. As usual, the contributors are to be held responsible for the appearance of the book. To them belongs the primary credit for the volume, and we hope their competence and know how 'spills over' to many interested readers, as it did to the editors.

Michele Cincera, Bruno van Pottelsberghe and Reinhilde Veugelers (Chapter 14) identify inflows and outflows of knowledge and have a closer look at the international generation of knowledge by using indicators of the internationalisation of technology, based on EPO and USPTO patent data. They distinct between two cases. First, they examine the patents that have at least one national inventor and one foreign assignee. By doing this, they assess the importance of inward R&D-FDI as a result of foreign firms sourcing know-how in the national economy.

Foreign firms coming to Belgium are primarily interested in the European market and the small market size of Belgium has forced foreign firms to export a large part of their local production, in order to attain the minimum efficient scale (Sleuwaegen, 1987). Consequently, foreign firms have also drastically changed the export specialisation of Belgium. Belgium showed traditionally a comparative advantage in the production of semi-manufactured goods and producer goods, as the small local market and trade barriers impeded Belgium to become an important producer/exporter of specialised consumer and producer goods (Dreze, 1960).

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General theory of value by Ralph Barton Perry

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