History of Classical Scholarship - From the Beginnings to - download pdf or read online

By Rudolf Pfeiffer

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122, p. 40 (only partly in Diehl, Anth. Lyr. 3, fasc. 3 [1952] to fr. 70), but no editor so far seems to have accepted Lobel’s suggestions as regards the text of the poet. 14 Poets, Rhapsodes, Philosophers fixed by Stoic grammarians and philosophers/ but this is by no means certain. However, if one is bold enough to attribute to Anacreon the knowledge of a case-system in the second half of the sixth century, it would be inconsistent not to assume a similar knowledge for Archilochus in the first half of the seventh century; for according to the writer Περί σχημάτων both these poets employed a proper name in various cases, Archilochus four and Anacreon three times.

88 Β 2 . ίο), ‘the Phoenicians invented letters which help men to think and to speak’ (βοηθοϋντα εις λόγον Eust. p. 177 1. 44). In the archaic period which fol­ lowed the epic age the Greeks’ first aim was at beauty of script; for evidence we have only to look at the early inscriptions on stone still pre­ served. This tendency towards harmony and even ‘geometric’ norms was observed by later writers: Πυθαγόρας αυτών (sc. τών γραμμάτων) του κάλλους εττεμελήθη, εκ τής κατά γεωμετρίαν γραμμής ρυθμίσας .

The very existence of scholarship depends on the book,3 and books seem to have come into common use in the course of the fifth century, par­ ticularly as the medium for Sophistic writings. 4 This may be the right moment for having a look at ‘the oriental background’ against which the whole of Greek culture had arisen, in so far as it is relevant for Greek scholarship. While aware of this historical process, I am, naturally enough, rather reluctant to speak of it as I have not the slightest acquaintance with the languages concerned; so I am forced to rely on the reports and interpretations of specialists and to draw conclusions from them with due reserve.

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History of Classical Scholarship - From the Beginnings to the End of the Hellenistic Age by Rudolf Pfeiffer

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