By Cristopher Lampton
ISBN-10: 0531101193
ISBN-13: 9780531101193
Presents directions for writing a working laptop or computer software for an experience online game utilizing easy
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The DATA statements holding the object DATA should come right after this routine. Next, we need a subroutine that will print out all of the objects in the current room. Here is that subroutine: 600 610 620 630 640 650 PRINT "YOU CAN SEE: " FL=O:FOR 1=0 TO NO-1 IF (OB(I) AND 127)=R THEN PRINT" ";OB$(I) : FL=1 NEXT I IF FL=O THEN PRINT" NOTHING OF INTEREST" RETURN Add all of these DATA statements and subroutines to our rapidly growing program. Then make the following changes and additions: 20 NR=19 : NO=18 : ND=6 : REM NUMBER OF ROOMS, OBJECTS, AND DIRECTIONS 30 DIM R$(NR),DI$(ND),OB$(NO),02$(NO),OB(NO) 50 GOSUB 25000 : GOSUB 26000: GOSUB 27000 90 GOSUB 700 : GOSUB 500 : GOSUB 600 Run the program.
When this subroutine executes, it will give FL one of two values. If FL equals 0, then there is no such object in the game. If FL = 1 then there is such an object in the game. In this case, the variable I is equal to the number of the object in the object list. The variable RO is set equal to the number of the room where the object can be found. ) If RO equals -1, then the object is in the player's inventory. " It is a good idea to include synonyms for most of the major verbs in your program, so that the player can phrase important sentences in more than one way.
Is printed. Notice, however, that there is a lot of blank space left in this routine, where you can add instructions of your own. Lines 2070 through 2380 are reserved for routines that check for unusual directions that the player can go, such as GO BUILDING or GO HOLE. There is one such direction in our adventure game: GO BOAT. We can add a short routine that checks for this command at line 2070, like this: 2070 IF N$="BOA" AND OB(11)=R+128 THEN R=13: GOTO 90 [41] The BOAT is considered by the program to be both an object and a room.
How to Create Adventure Games by Cristopher Lampton
by Joseph