By Michio Kaku
ISBN-10: 0385477058
ISBN-13: 9780385477055
A vibrant portrait of the idea of hyperspace via a professor of theoretical physics on the urban college of latest York discusses the superstring conception and the concept that of a jigsaw-puzzle universe. Reprint. journey. NYT.
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To have an intuitive u n d e r s t a n d i n g of these concepts, however, it is i m p o r t a n t to start at the beginning. Before we can feel comfortable with ten dimensions, we must learn how to manipulate four spatial dimensions. Using historical examples, we will explore the ingenious attempts m a d e by scientists over the decades to give a tangible, visual representation of higher-dimensional space. T h e first part of the book, therefore, will stress the history b e h i n d the discovery of higher-dimensional space, b e g i n n i n g with the mathematician who started it all, Georg B e r n h a r d Riemann.
We do not expect to face the towering pyramids of Egypt. Similarly, when we o p e n the front door, we expect to see the cars on the street, n o t the craters a n d dead volcanoes of a bleak, l u n a r landscape. Without even thinking a b o u t it, we assume that we can safely o p e n windows or doors without being scared out of o u r wits. O u r world, fortunately, is n o t a Steven Spielberg movie. We act on a deeply ingrained prejudice (which is invariably correct) that o u r world is simply connected, that o u r windows a n d doorways are n o t entrances to wormholes c o n n e c t i n g o u r h o m e to a far-away universe.
Dodgson, who taught at Oxford University, delighted generations of schoolchildren by writing books—as Lewis Carroll—that incorporate these strange mathematical ideas. W h e n Alice falls down a rabbit hole or steps t h r o u g h the looking glass, she enters W o n d e r l a n d , a strange place where Cheshire cats disappear (leaving only their smile), magic m u s h r o o m s t u r n child r e n into giants, a n d Mad Hatters celebrate " u n b i r t h d a y s . " T h e looking glass somehow connects Alice's world with a strange land where everyo n e speaks in riddles a n d c o m m o n sense isn't so c o m m o n .
Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the 10th Dimens ion by Michio Kaku
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