Download PDF by Wolfgang A. Halang, Herwig Unger: Internet der Dinge: Echtzeit 2016

By Wolfgang A. Halang, Herwig Unger

ISBN-10: 3662534428

ISBN-13: 9783662534427

ISBN-10: 3662534436

ISBN-13: 9783662534434

Mit seinem Workshop 2016 zum Thema "Internet der Dinge" bietet der GI/GMA/ITG-Fachausschuss Echtzeitsysteme Wissenschaftlern, Nutzern und Herstellern ein discussion board an, auf dem neue traits und Entwicklungen zu folgenden Programmschwerpunkten vorgestellt werden: Echtzeitfähigkeit, Funktionale Sicherheit, Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, Sichere Datenkommunikation, Schnittstellen, Protokolle und Plattformen, Energieeffizienz, Diensteabrechung- und Bezahlung, Erweiterte Realität (Augmented Reality), Altersgerechte Assistenzsysteme für selbstbestimmtes Lebenuns Ambient Assited dwelling. Berichte zu aktuellen Anwendungen und zur Ausbildung runden die Publikation ab.

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Additional info for Internet der Dinge: Echtzeit 2016

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SeL4. seL4 is the security-oriented extension of L4, one of the smallest generalpurpose kernels with an excellent performance. Sel4 follows a strict microkernel design, providing just a small number of services to applications, translating to a small C implementation. It runs on a variety of ARM and x86 processor architectures. SeL4 uses a modified model of inter-process communication using endpoints as destination, rather than thread IDs. The scheduling model it is called Benno scheduling, and the kernel is non-preemptible with strategic preemption points [16].

Contiki. Contiki was also developed as an operating system for WSNs and features a monolithic kernel architecture. It has a cooperative event scheduler. It provides several built-in network stack. Contiki is implemented in C and has been ported to a number of microcontroller architectures. Although the programming model is event-based, where a process is defined by an event handler function, Contiki also supports protothreads. Protothreads are implemented per process as a special library module that is optionally linked with applications.

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Internet der Dinge: Echtzeit 2016 by Wolfgang A. Halang, Herwig Unger

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