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By Leslie Hossfeld

ISBN-10: 0203329805

ISBN-13: 9780203329801

ISBN-10: 0415949580

ISBN-13: 9780415949583

This publication is an cutting edge piece combining ancient archival facts and modern interviews to research the functionality of narratives in groups. utilizing a case research of racial violence in Wilmington, North Carolina in 1898, Hossfeld examines 'narratives of terror' surrounding the development, tracing those over a 100 12 months interval. The context within which the racial violence emerged was once a part of a bigger white supremacy crusade sweeping the South. neighborhood leaders and state-supported organs of the Democartic get together overthrew elected Fusion and Republican leaders in Wilmington in 1898, developing the one coup d'etat within the nation's historical past. The political overthrow grew to become violent and ratings of African americans have been stated to were killed and run out of city. The 'narratives of terror' emanating from this violence have remained in the neighborhood ever given that. Hossfeld lines the functionality of the general public dominant narrative approximately white supremacy expressed by means of the white energy constitution in 1898 and its mutation over the years to a liberal narrative approximately reconciliation expressed within the 1998 centennial commemoration of the development. This ebook is critical in figuring out cultural tales and their influence on groups, and the function of narrative and beliefs in developing or fending off primary societal switch.

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I followed Silverman’s (2000) advice to begin analyzing data as I gathered it. Having identified the eleven possible political generational informants, I created a table so that I could visually see the initial links between my informants’ narratives and the public use of narrative (collected from the archival research) when they were between 18–25 years old. 1 below describes the temporal location of contemporary informants as they correspond with local public narrative about 1898 violence. I knew from the archival data that there were ‘silences’ and ‘gaps’ in the public narratives I had obtained—periods in the history of Wilmington since 1898 wherein I could not find any public mention of 1898 or references to the violence.

Over time, Halbwachs’ argues, memories become generalized “imagos” and such imagos require a social context for their preservation. ” Rituals, ceremonies, monuments and social events provide reference points for social memory varying spatially and temporally by group. Contemporary research on collective memory expands on Halbwachs’ original work, with two areas in particular having relevance for the Wilmington research. The first examines the way in which past events have been manipulated and/or ‘invented’ to serve present-day interests (Swidler & Arditi 1994; Paez, Basabe & Gonzales 1997; Pennebaker & Bansik 1997).

Similarly Wilmington gatekeeper hid under ‘lock and key’ in a secret cache at the public library evidence of Wilmington’s unpleasant, violent past. Paige continues, “This positively Orwellian construction of an official narrative of Salvadoran history was so successful that analysts refer to a “political culture of silence”-one that so thoroughly expunged all traces of the counternarratives of the 1930s that the left virtually had to begin from scratch in the 1970s” (1997:344). As the Wilmington narratives attest, a ‘culture of silence’ has made research on the Wilmington violence difficult.

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Narrative, Political Unconscious and Racial Violence in Wilmington, North Carolina by Leslie Hossfeld

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