By Professor Pierre Léna (auth.)
ISBN-10: 366202554X
ISBN-13: 9783662025543
ISBN-10: 3662025566
ISBN-13: 9783662025567
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029 kg, we find a value H = 7998 m near the ground. , 400 "CI :E ~ 300 200 100 20 24 2R 32 101010- 2 I Pressure [mb], and density [g m -3] 6 4 Fig. 2. Profiles oftemperature, density and molecular mass between 0 and 700 km altitude. There may be significant variations with latitude or solar acitvity in these average profiles. S. Standard Atmosphere, cf. Bibliography) and any gradient larger in absolute value than this implies convective instability of the atmosphere and hence vertical currents.
This last criterion will no doubt progressively disappear, in view of the possibility of remote control of observatories and transmission of the observational data. Space observatories, which are of course entirely automatic, have clearly demonstrated the feasibility of this procedure. N. (1983): Infrared Phys. 23, 119. The values of h are averages, which may be subject to significant seasonal fluctuations. 15 Cayrel, R. et al. ) (1980): Guidelines {or Minimizing Urban Sky Glow near Astronomical Observatories (lAU, Paris).
14. Optieal sounding of atmospherie turbulenee. The ordinate gives the altitude and the abseissa the time (total duration of the measurement was 45 min) . The level of intensity gives the value of Ci (z, t) . The vertieal resolution is ± 800 m, and the time resolution 20 s. 8 km and the layer at the tropopause (10-11 km). The sudden time variations show the intermittent nature ofthe turbulenee (Observatoire de Haute-Provenee, Franee, 1981). The measurement teehnique uses the eorrelation of the seintillation of the two eomponents of a double star.
Observational Astrophysics by Professor Pierre Léna (auth.)
by John