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By Charles F. MacCormack

ISBN-10: 1888393211

ISBN-13: 9781888393217

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In addition, every effort should be made to retain caregivers so that they are consistent, familiar and reassuring figures in children’s lives. In many countries, child care professionals are at the bottom of the wage ladder and have little in the way of either job security or opportunity for career advancement. Preschool and kindergarten teachers are excluded from many teachers’ unions and civil service pay scales and benefits. Women dominate the professions that teach and care for very young children.

Iceland follows closely behind, meeting 9 of the 10 child care benchmarks. Denmark, Finland, France and Norway each meet 8 of 10 minimum standards. Canada and Ireland are tied for last place, each having achieved only 1 of the 10 child care benchmarks. Australia is second from the bottom, meeting only 2 of 10 benchmarks. The United States is in a tie for the third lowest ranking with Mexico, Spain and Switzerland (each country meets 3 • sweden out of 10 minimum child care standards). Austria, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Slovenia and the United Kingdom all score higher than the United States.

Similarly, the United States did not do as well as many other countries with regard to under-5 mortality. S. under-5 mortality rate is 8 per 1,000 live births. This is on par with rates in Serbia, Slovakia and Lithuania. S. on this indicator. S. is more than twice as likely as a child in Iceland or Sweden to die before his or her fifth birthday. • Only 61 percent of children in the United States are enrolled in preschool – making it the seventh lowest country in the developed world on this indicator.

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State of the World's Mothers 2009, Investing in the Early Years (2009) by Charles F. MacCormack

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