By Wilfred R. Bion
ISBN-10: 1855751682
ISBN-13: 9781855751682
Brings jointly formerly unpublished works from varied sessions of Bion's occupation that are associated by means of the idea that of classifying and conceptualizing notion. the 1st paper 'The Grid' dates from 1963, the second one half contains transcripts of 2 tape-recordings made through Bion in 1977 reflecting his curiosity in 'stray' strategies.
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G o l d e n boys a n d girls all must, like chimney-sweepers, come to d u s t / T h i s stray has a n a m e a n d address attached to it—Shakespeare. ( ' G o l d e n lads a n d girls all must, / A s chimney-sweepers, come to dust': Cymbeline, IV. ) T h e o n l y address I k n o w is S t r a t f o r d - u p o n - A v o n , but I gather he is d e a d a n y w a y , so I'll a d o p t this piece of p r o p e r t y that is i n fact his. I a m afraid it seems terribly h a c k n e y e d to me. It is one of these things about w h i c h I c o u l d say, 'Yes I k n o w .
T h e p r o b l e m , s h o u l d s u c h a thought come along, is w h a t to d o w i t h it. O f course, if it is w i l d , y o u m i g h t try to domesticate it. I shall consider later h o w y o u m i g h t try to d o that. If its owner's n a m e a n d address is attached, it c o u l d be restored to its o w n e r , or the owner c o u l d be told that y o u h a d it a n d he c o u l d collect it any time he felt i n c l i n e d . O r , of course, y o u c o u l d p u r l o i n it a n d h o p e either that the o w n e r w o u l d forget it, or that he w o u l d not notice the theft a n d y o u c o u l d keep the idea all to yourself.
O r I was able to w a l k into the Lascaux caves a n d see o n the walls various m a r k s a n d signs of p a i n t i n g a n d d r a w i n g — s o m e w h a t distorted, it is true, because I see them w i t h the a i d of electric 42 TAMING WILD THOUGHTS lighting, w h i c h reveals v e r y clearly their shape a n d colour. I d o n ' t k n o w w h a t sort of light they were seen i n w h e n they were d r a w n . Similarly, I can w a l k into the Elephantine caves near B o m b a y a n d once again see the carvings that were m a d e ; again, I d o not k n o w i n w h a t light or i n w h a t frame of m i n d .
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