The 6800 Microprocessor (Merrill's International Series in - download pdf or read online

By Jack Quinn

ISBN-10: 0675205158

ISBN-13: 9780675205153

Meant for first microprocessor classes on the expertise point, this article presents an advent to microprocessors utilizing the 8-bit Motorola 6800. assurance encompasses undefined, software program and programming subject matters, together with an entire bankruptcy on 6800 interrupts. The writing type is obvious and easy and ideas are constantly via a variety of examples that illustrate their functions in genuine occasions. An appendix provides an summary of Motorola's 16-bit 68000 kin, supplying a important transition to extra complex classes. each one bankruptcy ends with overview questions, functions difficulties and steered initiatives. comprises an appendix on meeting language established programming. No prior wisdom of microprocessors is believed.

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Example text

Up to 64 transactions can be outstanding per node. 2, packets (1) and (2), for an illustration of this handshake on a request subaction. , due to a full input queue). In the former case, the sender can discard the send packet from its output queue (where it is required to be held); in the latter case, the sender retransmits the packet. A consequence of this rejection/retry mechanism is that in-order delivery of packets cannot be guaranteed by the SCI hardware: a packet rejected by a busy queue can be overtaken by a later packet which happens to find space in the same queue.

Resp. ➂ Requ. Resp. (3) Request send (4) Request echo Local response subaction Responder Requ. Resp. Requester Requ. Resp. ➃ Agent Requ. Resp. Responder ➁ Requ. Resp. Remote response subaction Requ. Resp. 13 Responder Requ. Resp. Agent (6) Response echo (8) Response echo (5) Response send (7) Response send Requ. Resp. Fig. 2. Remote transaction phases Request Response readnn Header (16) Header (16) writenn Header (16) Data (nn = 16, 64, or 256) Header (16) lock Header (16) Data (16) Header (16) movenn Header (16) Data (nn = 0, 16, 64, or 256) eventnn Header (16) Data (nn = 0, 16, 64, or 256) Data (nn = 0, 16, 64, or 256) Data (16) Fig.

2 will describe the common solutions – attaching SCI to the I/O bus or to the memory bus – in more detail. Bus-like services. To complete the hardware DSM, SCI defines transactions to read, write, and lock memory locations, functionality well-known from computer buses. In addition, message passing and global time synchronization are supported, both as defined by the CSR Architecture; interrupts can be delivered remotely as well. Broadcast functionality is also defined. Transactions can be tagged with four different priorities.

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The 6800 Microprocessor (Merrill's International Series in Electrical and Electronics) by Jack Quinn

by James

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