By Edward A. Feigenbaum, Pamela McCorduck
ISBN-10: 0201115190
ISBN-13: 9780201115192
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A typical leadership team for a project comprises a software architect and a project manager. The architect works in conjunction with management to make key technical decisions, those with systemwide impact. The architect is responsible for technical planning of the system and for communicating these plans with developers. Since the architect coordinates systemwide design decisions, many other technical decisions are the responsibility of developers. To be effective, the architect must have the highest levels of experience and technical training, with outstanding skills in design, specification writing, and spoken communication.
These languages support the encapsulation of data with accessor code in terms of abstract data types (commonly called classes). In object-oriented programming languages, the encapsulation capabilities are sufficient for reasonably sized programs. As long as software modules are maintained by individual programmers, encapsulation is sufficiently robust to provide some intrinsic benefits. However, we shall see that language-specific encapsulation is insufficient to support software reuse and distributed systems.
Software technology has evolved through many trends and alternatives for software development. 1). With the increasing adoption of enterprise Java and Microsoft COM, componentorientation is the next major paradigm. In corporate development, most new-start projects are adopting object orientation because it is supported by the majority of commercial development environments. As we will discuss, object orientation has a very weak notion of software architecture, which leads to serious shortcomings.
The Fifth Generation: Artificial Intelligence and Japan's Computer Challenge to the World by Edward A. Feigenbaum, Pamela McCorduck
by Charles