Download e-book for kindle: The Inverse Method: Parametric Verification of Real-time by Etienne André

By Etienne André

ISBN-10: 1848214472

ISBN-13: 9781848214477

This e-book introduces cutting-edge verification strategies for real-time embedded structures, in response to the inverse process for parametric timed automata. It reports well known formalisms for the specification and verification of timed concurrent platforms and, specifically, timed automata in addition to a number of extensions reminiscent of timed automata built with stopwatches, linear hybrid automata and affine hybrid automata.
The inverse procedure is brought, and its merits for making certain robustness in real-time platforms are proven. Then, it really is proven how an generation of the inverse approach can clear up the great parameters challenge for parametric timed automata through computing a behavioral cartography of the procedure. diversified extensions are proposed relatively for hybrid platforms and purposes to scheduling difficulties utilizing timed automata with stopwatches. numerous examples, either from the literature and undefined, illustrate the options through the book.
Various parametric verifications are played, specifically of abstractions of a reminiscence circuit bought through the chipset producer ST-Microelectronics, in addition to of the potential flight keep an eye on method of the following new release of spacecraft designed by way of ASTRIUM house Transportation.


1. Parametric Timed Automata.
2. The Inverse process for Parametric Timed Automata.
3. The Inverse approach in perform: software to Case Studies.
4. Behavioral Cartography of Timed Automata.
5. Parameter Synthesis for Hybrid Automata.
6. software to the Robustness research of Scheduling Problems.
7. end and Perspectives.

About the Authors

Étienne André is affiliate Professor within the Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris Nord, within the collage of Paris thirteen (Sorbonne Paris Cité) in France. His present learn pursuits specialise in the verification of real-time systems.
Romain Soulat is at the moment finishing his PhD on the LSV laboratory at ENS-Cachan in France, concentrating on the modeling and verification of hybrid temporal systems.

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Example text

We now define the inclusion of a set S1 of states in another set S2 . Observe that this notion does not refer to the inclusion of each state of S1 into a state of S2 , but to the equality of each state S1 with a state S2 . Hence, all states of S1 exactly appear in S2 . – We say that a set of states S1 is included into a set of states S2 , denoted by S1 ⊑ S2 , if ∀s : s ∈ S1 ⇒ s ∈ S2 . We say that two sets of states S1 and S2 are equal, denoted by S1 = S2 , if S1 ⊑ S2 and S2 ⊑ S1 . In this book, we will be interested in checking whether the constraint associated with a symbolic state is satisfied by a given valuation of the parameters.

2. g. g. [HAV 97]). g. [BOU 04]). Recent work on timed automata focused on the notion of robustness, or implementability. As mentioned in [DE 04], timed automata consider perfect clocks with infinite precision while implementations can only access time through finitely precise clocks. Moreover, timed automata react instantaneously to events while implementations can only react within a given usually small, but not zero, reaction delay. Also note that timed automata may describe control strategies that are unrealistic, such as zeno-strategies or strategies that ask the controller to act faster Parametric Timed Automata 21 and faster [CAS 02].

For example, there are some parameter valuations satisfying Z, under which a blocking situation (deadlock) of the parametric timed automaton occurs at the initial location q0 . In contrast, the inverse method guarantees that such a situation is impossible under any instance satisfying K0 (because this situation does not occur under π0 ). 3. Remarks on the algorithm We explain in the following some critical parts of IM . 3. 1. 20). 19). More formally, this fixpoint condition would be: ∀s ∈ Post A(K) (S), ∃s′ ∈ S : s ⊆ s′ .

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The Inverse Method: Parametric Verification of Real-time Unbedded Systems by Etienne André

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