The Macmillan Dictionary of Irish Literature - download pdf or read online

By Robert Hogan (eds.)

ISBN-10: 134907795X

ISBN-13: 9781349077953

ISBN-10: 1349077976

ISBN-13: 9781349077977

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A great deal of bardic poetry is, therefore, dul, although it has some value for social and political historians. The file was so tightly bound by the tradition of his craft-in meter, in language, and in subject-that for four centuries, from 1250 to 1650, hardly the slightest change or development is discernible in this type of official verse. While the charge of sterility against so much of bardic poetry cannot be gainsaid, it must be admitted that the obligations which the system imposed led not merely to the development of an extraordinary metri- GAELIC LITERATURE 33 cal skill, but also to the creation of a language of classical conciseness and dignity.

We have also a delightful story of how St. Patrick, as he was listening to one of the ancient tales, was suddenly troubled in his conscience for 17 18 DICTIONARY OF IRISH LITERATURE fear that he was wasting his time. But he was assured by his guardian angels not only that there was no harm in giving ear to the old stories, pagan though they were, but also that he should have them written down because they would serve to entertain future generations until the end of time. That is what the Irish monks proceeded to do.

Most of his poems, however, were conventional in subject, consisting almost entirely of odes to chieftains. He does exhort the chieftains to unite in the common cause of their country, but there is little urgency or real passion in his verses. His poem on "Inis Ceithleann," the residence of Maguire, gives us a picture of a household such as might have been lifted right out of the Tain. Buidhean cheard ag ceangal bhleidheadh, buidhean ghaibhneadh ag gleas arm; buidhean saor nach d'eanfonn uirreneamhonn chaomh na mbuinne mbalbh.

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The Macmillan Dictionary of Irish Literature by Robert Hogan (eds.)

by James

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