Download e-book for iPad: The Neoliberal Revolution in Eastern Europe: Economic Ideas by Paul Dragos Aligica, Anthony John Evans

By Paul Dragos Aligica, Anthony John Evans

ISBN-10: 1847206379

ISBN-13: 9781847206374

This exact ebook develops varied yet comparable examine agendas: the learn of the unfold of 'neoliberalism' - as visible from the viewpoint of jap eu post-communist evolutions; and the learn of japanese eu transition - as noticeable from an ideas-centred standpoint. It demanding situations a chain of misunderstandings and myths in regards to the unfold of neoliberal fiscal rules in japanese Europe and provides a clearer figuring out of development seeing that marketplace reform started.

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As noted by one of the most astute analysts of the phenomenon: Looked at from the point of view of the universal history of economic theory, economics under communism has not produced any spectacular new insights, theorems, laws or controversies which have to be memorized by all students of economics like, for example, the Cambridge controversy, Say’s law, the Coase theorem or the Heckscher-Ohlin theory. (Wagener, 1998, p. 24) This is even true for the contributions concerning the socialist theory or the radical political economy.

In the Bulgarian case, these contradictions were more down to earth than in the Romanian one: the contradiction between ‘the owner and manager’, the ‘extensive growth against intensive growth’, the tension between workers’ and directors’ incentives, etc. Analyzing this phenomenon, Dimitrov concludes that ‘actually it was more about pseudo changes pseudo-scientifically argued that about searching for solutions’ (Dimitrov, 2002). The ‘economic contradictions’ played a pivotal part in the Romanian Marxists’ worldview as the contradictions were seen as the ‘motive power of all social and socio-economic development’.

Although since 1975 the neoclassical synthesis both in its theoretical core and its applied dimension has been fighting for survival, the broader paradigmatic environment created remained unchallenged. In spite of all its problems, by that time it was deeply rooted in the epistemic community. A general paradigmatic vision in which the neoclassical element was the foundation on which the macro-structure could be erected. By then, the neoclassical synthesis acquired broader features, and it was a vision about what economics was and how economic research should be done.

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The Neoliberal Revolution in Eastern Europe: Economic Ideas in the Transition from Communism (New Thinking in Political Economy) by Paul Dragos Aligica, Anthony John Evans

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