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By Victor L Ginzburg

ISBN-10: 0080230679

ISBN-13: 9780080230672

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The stars of the bulge are believed to be mainly old, from the stellar color-magnitude diagrams: see, for example, Zoccali et al. (2003). , 2008). Near the center of the bulge is a younger population on a scale of about 100 pc. It includes a nuclear stellar cluster in the central ∼30 pc. , Bissantz and Gerhard, 2002). , 2007). The stars of the bulge are old and enhanced in α-elements, which implies a rapid epoch of star formation and chemical evolution. Comparison of the α-enhancement in the bulge and thick disk is currently inconclusive.

With more to come from Pan-STARRS, SkyMapper, LSST . . From space, the Hipparcos/Tycho catalogs provide about 2 × 106 stars with proper motion errors of about 2 mas yr−1 . Gaia will measure proper motions for about a billion stars. 5 km s−1 at a distance of 15 kpc (if the distance were very accurately known). Gaia will really change Galactic astrophysics, with vast numbers of very precise parallaxes and proper motions. We should be prepared to get the most from this resource. Launch is scheduled for 2013.

First, a brief discussion of stellar orbits in axisymmetric galaxies is needed. 9) so Lz = R 2 φ˙ = constant. 9. The orbit has an inner and outer radial limit defined by its two integrals, energy and angular momentum. 9 shows that the orbit cannot reach all points that are permitted by its energy and angular momentum, so it is affected by a third integral that cannot be written down in analytical form. Galactic disks are built up from such orbits. Nearly circular orbits Most stars in the disks of disk galaxies are in orbits that are not far from being circular.

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Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics by Victor L Ginzburg

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