Read e-book online Turkish Democracy Today: Elections, Protest and Stability in PDF

By Ersin Kalaycioglu, Ali Carkoglu

ISBN-10: 1429480270

ISBN-13: 9781429480277

ISBN-10: 1845111850

ISBN-13: 9781845111854

The authors of this quantity mix state-of-the-art concept with in-depth empirical learn to handle the most important concerns in modern Turkish politics: the increase of democratic Islamist events, and the consequences in their ascendancy for political balance and democratic governance. they give vital conclusions on voter decision-making in Turkey, and supply a rigorous theoretical framework for picking out developments and awaiting destiny advancements.

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Additional info for Turkish Democracy Today: Elections, Protest and Stability in an Islamic Society (International Library of Political Studies)

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1). 1 percentage points. Hence, the coalition partners together lost about 39 percentage points of electoral support from the April 1999 elections. ANAP’s electoral basis has been shrinking for nearly two decades ever since the early 1980s when it first came to power. ANAP had been in power until the 1991 general elections and afterwards was part of several coalitions. It effectively lost much of its constituency in the largest metropolitan centers and remained a dominant player only in small pockets of Anatolian provinces primarily in the Eastern Black Sea region where its leader was originally from.

In the aftermath of the 1980 coup, smaller parties on the margins of the ideological spectrum initially almost disappeared from the scene. This was mainly due to the military regime’s limitations in the party system by vetoing pre-1980 leadership to participate in elections. The then newly imposed 10 percent nationwide vote threshold for representation in the Parliament was also responsible for poor performance of the smaller parties in the system. In 1986, under constant pressure from the public, a referendum was held to decide whether the pre1980 leaders should be allowed to come back to the political arena.

The MHP’s decline is more intriguing, since just about three years prior to the 2002 election it surprisingly rose to an imposing position in the party system by obtaining nearly 18 percent of the valid votes. Those were the times when the Bosnian crisis and the capture of the PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan fired up nationalist sentiments and thus helped mobilize masses towards a 30 TURKISH DEMOCRACY TODAY traditionally unflinching nationalist party. However, those were also the times when the legendary leader of the MHP Alparslan Türkes¸’ death created a sometimes uncivilized competition for the party’s leadership.

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Turkish Democracy Today: Elections, Protest and Stability in an Islamic Society (International Library of Political Studies) by Ersin Kalaycioglu, Ali Carkoglu

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