A Comprehensive Dictionary of Textile - download pdf or read online

By Mason Brown (Ed.)

ISBN-10: 1441664378

ISBN-13: 9781441664372

ISBN-10: 818247342X

ISBN-13: 9788182473423

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A plam-weave fabric which has been glazed to pr~duce a polished look. Usually made of cotton, this fabric is most commonly used in blouses, dresses, draperies, and slipcovers. 2. a glazed solid or printed fabric usually ofcotton or a cotton blend 3. a plain weave fabric, usuall cotton, with a multicolour prlt which mayor may not be glazed. If it is unglazed it is called cretonne. I ; ~ : ~ the reaCtlon . of a fibre with chlorine. The chlorine may be in the form of a gas, or its solution ill' water or it may be obtained from a suitable compound.

Currently similar I hair from animals bred selec~ tively from the feral goat popu: lation of Australia, New ~ Zealand and Scotland, is also ; being regarded as cashmere : provided the fibre diameter is ~ similar. Fibre is cylindrical, soft I and silken a machine which completes the cleaning of the cotton, arranges the fibres so they are mostly parallel, and transforms the cotton from lap into sliver. • carrier (colouration) a type of accelerant, particularly used in the dyeing and printing of hydrophobic fibres with disperse dyes.

Come in white or natural shades or could be dyed, printed, striped, or checked. The yarn is strong, irregular in diameter but smooth. Has a fairly good texture. For example, towelling, suiting, dresses, and coats. - cravat wide cloth or piece of lace knotted or tied around the neck. The term was first used in the mid17th century. - cravat string ribbon used in the 17th century to tie a heavy lace cravat in place, the forerunner of the 18th century solitaire. - crease-recovery the measure of crease-resistance specified quantitatively in terms of crease-recovery angle.

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A Comprehensive Dictionary of Textile by Mason Brown (Ed.)

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