By W. L. Ashton
ISBN-10: 1483167224
ISBN-13: 9781483167220
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A smaU group of diabetics exists in whom there is structural disease of the pancreas—acute or chronic pancreatitis, haemochromatosis, pancreatic carcinoma or surgical excision of the pancreas. Among the very much larger group of spontaneous diabetics, pancreatic findings vary from histological normality to hyaUnization of the B-ceUs, and include glycogenic infiltration and even islet-cell hyperplasia. Thus it seems that in most human diabetics, the analogy with pancreatectomized dogs is invaUd.
The mechanism by which these changes are induced is unknown. It could represent either the loss of endogenous ovarian secretion, or metabolic side-effects of the contraceptive steroids themselves, or both these factors acting together. D. Recent work has suggested that the earliest objective abnor mality—often preceding the development of cUnical disabiUty by some years—^is revealed by balUsto-cardiography (Lohr, van Vollenhoven and van Rotterdam, 1963). D. prevalence—even if it is a sequel of contraceptive steroids—^will be demonstrable as yet.
These studies have been confirmed and extended by Snzjaderman and Oliver (1963), who found that spontaneous premature menopause had similar sequelae. Ovarian function appears to be involved in the regulation of blood lipid patterns. Women, before the menopause, do not show the steady progressive rise in lipids seen in men from the second decade onward to a peak at 55-60. Under normal conditions, women show no rise of lipid until after the meno pause, when a progressive rise occurs until 70. Younger women submitted to bilateral ovariectomy develop these changes prematurely and the lipid pattern is changed back towards "normal" by oestrogenic medication.
Human Atheroma. With Particular Reference to Endocrine Aspects of Aetiology by W. L. Ashton
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