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By Editor Jones A.H.M.

ISBN-10: 134900491X

ISBN-13: 9781349004911

ISBN-10: 1349004936

ISBN-13: 9781349004935

ISBN-10: 1781791791

ISBN-13: 9781781791790

358 Pages

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Four times I gave games in my own name; as representing other magistrates twenty-three times. ]. ] I gave, for the first time, the games of Mars, which, since that time, the consuls by decree of the senate have given in successive years in conjunction with me. In my own name, or that of my sons or grandsons, on twenty-six occasions I gave to the people, in the circus, in the forum, or in the amphitheater, hunts of African wild beasts, in which about three thousand five hundred beasts were slain.

And as some of the jurymen actually voted to acquit these conspirators, the emperor made a law that votes should not be cast secretly in cases by default and that the persons on trial must receive a unanimous conviction. That he authorized these provisions not in anger but as really conducive to the public good he gave overwhelming evidence. Caepio's father liberated one of his slaves who had accompanied his son on his flight, because he had wished to defend the younger man when he met his death; but a second slave who had betrayed him the father led through the middle of the F arum with an inscription making known the reason why he should be killed, and after that crucified him: yet at all this the emperor showed no indignation.

Strabo also speaks of his receiving a vague "leadership of the empire," which is also mentioned in Dio (No. 4). 3· Strabo, XVIII. iii. 24-25, 839-40 OF ALL this territory which is subject to the Romans, some is ruled by kings, and they themselves hold the rest under the name of "provinces," sending out governors and collectors of taxes. There are also free cities, some which originally joined them in friendly relations, and others which have been freed by the Romans themselves as an honor. There are also various dynasts and tribal chiefs and priests.

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A History of Rome through the Fifth Century: Volume II: The Empire by Editor Jones A.H.M.

by William

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