Read e-book online Access to History for the IB Diploma. Civil rights and PDF

By Vivienne Sanders

A new version for HL choice 2, background of the Americas, subject 17: Civil rights and social hobbies within the Americas post-1945
The well known IB degree historical past sequence, combining compelling narratives with educational rigor.
An authoritative and fascinating narrative, with the widest number of resources at this point, aiding scholars to strengthen their wisdom and analytical talents. This moment variation provides:
- trustworthy, transparent and in-depth narrative from subject specialists
- research of the historiography surrounding key debates
- devoted examination perform with version solutions and perform questions
- TOK aid and old research inquiries to aid with all facets of the Diploma

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Extra info for Access to History for the IB Diploma. Civil rights and social movements in the Americas

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These bodies proved more successful in negotiating with the new Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (established in 1966) over matters relating to land and rights. Why did Native people respond to continued subjugation with increased organization and militancy after 1960? l l l l l l They had the organizational traditions of the League of Indians on which to build. The 1960s was characterized by the militancy of the less privileged and each group’s actions inspired others. Some First Nations peoples were inspired by AIM (see page 30).

Indb 43 05/12/2012 12:40 Control of education The residential school system was gradually phased out from the 1960s, and pressure from NIB and provincial associations forced the government to increase Native responsibility for their education. From 1973, it became common for Native children to attend local schools controlled by band councils, particularly at elementary level. However, the national government did not build high schools near to reserves, so many children had to spend several hours daily travelling to and from school, or live in towns.

In contrast, under the Democrat President Bill Clinton (1993–2001), the 1996 Native American Housing and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA) gave block grants to allow tribes to build their own housing and thereby attract unsuccessful urban Native Americans back to the reservations. Source P What point is Source P making? Is it effective? W. Bush, who attacked Iraq in 1991 in order to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi occupation, quoted in A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn, Longman, Harlow, UK, 1996, page 615.

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Access to History for the IB Diploma. Civil rights and social movements in the Americas by Vivienne Sanders

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