Download e-book for iPad: Achieving the Millennium Development Goals by Mark McGillivray (eds.)

By Mark McGillivray (eds.)

ISBN-10: 0230200419

ISBN-13: 9780230200418

ISBN-10: 023059493X

ISBN-13: 9780230594937

ISBN-10: 0333964241

ISBN-13: 9780333964248

ISBN-10: 1349303836

ISBN-13: 9781349303830

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Washington, DC. 2 Projecting Progress Towards the Millennium Development Goals Howard White and Nina Blöndal Introduction Since the adoption of the International Development Targets, and their successor Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a growing number of publications have presented estimates of development outcomes in 2015, the target year for most of the goals. What the majority of these projections show is that the developing world as a whole is ‘off track’ with respect to most targets. They will not, in aggregate, be met and many countries will fall far short.

United Nations (2007) The Millennium Development Goals Report 2007. New York. United Nations Millennium Project (2005) Investing in Development: A Practical Plan for Achieving the Millennium Development Goals. New York: UNDP. Vandemoortele, J. ’. WIDER Angle 2007/1: pp. 6–7, Helsinki: UNU-WIDER. WHO (World Health Organization) (2007) Global TB Database. Geneva. World Bank (2007) World Development Indicators, 2007. Washington, DC. 2 Projecting Progress Towards the Millennium Development Goals Howard White and Nina Blöndal Introduction Since the adoption of the International Development Targets, and their successor Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a growing number of publications have presented estimates of development outcomes in 2015, the target year for most of the goals.

Source: UN Millennium Project (2005b), and own estimates. 12 Literacy in 2015 by region Naïve projections Accounting based No. of Literacy No. 13 Alternative estimates of underweight Children Adults Smith and FAO (2015) Haddad (2020) Onis et al. 0 Source: See text. Nutrition Different estimates Nutrition outcomes have been comprehensively modelled in three different sources: two IFPRI studies (Smith and Haddad 2000; von Braun et al. 13 In addition Onis et al. (2004) present subregional-based naïve projections.

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Achieving the Millennium Development Goals by Mark McGillivray (eds.)

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