By Dana L.;McEwan, B. Hoag
ISBN-10: 0874367379
ISBN-13: 9780874367379
In Agricultural main issue in the US, subject matters of value to the power of America's farms are completely tested comparable to the toxins of groundwater, the lack of caliber farmland to city improvement, foodstuff safeguard, flora and fauna effect, animal welfare, fiscal problems dealing with farmers at the present time, executive coverage, and lots more and plenty more.A wealth of tables, graphs, and different statistical details helps the textual content, so readers may possibly objectively review the placement.
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Politicians use America's love of agriculture to stir passion in their constituents. " But why do farmers and ranchers command such high esteem in our country? Why is the public so willing to support farmers and ranchers when other businesses fail at much higher rates? Our reverence for agriculture in the United States is most likely not driven by a fear that without farms we won't have food. Rather, it reflects an appreciation or love for life on the farm. If it was the food that people were concerned about, as opposed to the farmers that produce the food, we would not have supported small farmers Page 4 with our taxes and our hearts for as long as we have.
As shown in Table 1 on page 6, since 1940 one-third as many producers operate farms that are three times larger. Farmers now total less than 1 percent of our population, yet each one feeds almost 140 people. American farmers feed and clothe twice as many people at the same cost to society than we did over 50 years ago. While accomplishing this, the value of exports is nearly 75 times higher (over sixfold in real terms) today than it was in 1940. Agriculture is changing in other ways, too. The stereotypical farm, like the one where Dorothy lived in the movie The Wizard of Oz, has all but disappeared.
Nearly everyone agrees that industrialization is a process of better market coordination aimed at getting products to consumers that better fit their preferences. Economist Steve Koontz (1999) and other agricultural marketing specialists have found that big companies replaced traditional agriculture because this coordination provided more value. For example, chicken prices have consistently fallen from 1960 to 1996, and quality and sales have risen. However, since 1960, beef prices dropped and then rose, and ranchers now sell less beef at a lower price.
Agricultural crisis in America: a reference handbook by Dana L.;McEwan, B. Hoag
by Kevin