By White, Jon
ISBN-10: 1785464310
ISBN-13: 9781785464317
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The duke claimed that Herbert had named him as his heir to the county so from that justification, William claimed the land of a vassal of his enemy, the count of Anjou, by 1064. Two years later, the duke made similar statements to justify the conquest of a much greater prize than the county of Maine. In either 1064 or 1065, Harold Godwinson, Earl of Wessex, crossed the English Channel and accidently landed in the territory of Count Guy 46 With Harold held hostage, William attempted of Ponthieu.
Hostile natives. The Vikings continued their trading © Sol 90 Images; Abigail Daker; Alamy What was the motivation behind the Viking invasions? Were they simply bloodthirsty raiders, or did they have more civilised aims? The motivation behind the Viking invasions was simple; farmland. The Vikings, or Norsemen – which is a more accurate name since a ‘Viking’ was a seaborne raider that specialised in hit-and-run attacks – were searching for land. Scandinavia is not rich in arable land – there is simply too much water and too many mountainous regions to support a population over a certain size.
Starving, Guthrum was forced to surrender. By 890, age had begun to creep up on Alfred. He Guthrum and his Viking army retreated from suffered from crippling stomach pain and it was Wessex for good but this did not mean they sapping his strength, along with the complexities were out of England as a whole. The Vikings of trying to rule a disparate group of settlements in had established settlements in East Anglia and Northumbria and were becoming neighbours rather his own kingdom and remain the most influential man in Mercia.
All about history book of medieval history. by White, Jon
by Thomas