By Han Bing Siong
ISBN-10: 9401746680
ISBN-13: 9789401746687
ISBN-10: 9401749671
ISBN-13: 9789401749671
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113 according to whom Act No. 20 1946 is only binding in the areas where Act No. 1 1946 has been effectual. This is probably also the opinion of Tresna, op. cit. p. 189 who considers Act No. P. S. I. with all its gaps was still in force in Djakarta Raja, East Sumatra, Kalimantan and East Indonesia. When the Indonesian legislature endeavoured to end the dualism in the codified criminal law eight years later, it was expressly conceded that Act No. 139 As regards the Act No. 23 1947 concerning the abolishment of the courts of the self-governing lands in Java and Sumatra, this interpretation of the purport of the Government Ordinance 1950 No.
S. N. I. with 570 articles in all other areas of Indonesia. S. l. S. N. I. P. Bij decree No. 2 of August 2, 1946,99 in force as from August 8, art. S. N. I. was revised by the Dutch. According to its original version, the principles concerning concurrence, among others art. 67, should also be applied in the case when a person stands trial for an offence, while he has already been tried and sentenced for another offence after the commission of the first mentioned offence for which he now stands trial.
1 1946 effectual (again) in the recovered areas in Java, Madura and Sumatra, not in the recovered areas in Kalimantan, which is in accordance with its concluding stipulation concerning both the temporal and the territorial sphere of validity of the Act. Therefore, the 138 Different Dormeier, op. cit. p. 113 according to whom Act No. 20 1946 is only binding in the areas where Act No. 1 1946 has been effectual. This is probably also the opinion of Tresna, op. cit. p. 189 who considers Act No. P. S.
An Outline of the Recent History of Indonesian Criminal Law by Han Bing Siong
by Thomas