By Lewis Spence
ISBN-10: 0486265250
ISBN-13: 9780486265254
This exceptional in-depth survey explores animism, totemism, fetishism, construction myths, Egyptian priesthood, cult of Osiris, a variety of deities, booklet of the lifeless, alchemy, Egyptian paintings and magic, legends, and a bunch of alternative interesting issues. An erudite, basically written paintings, better with over 50 images and illustrations.
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Additional info for Ancient Egyptian Myths and Legends
Example text
IS that at Eat-Iv Researches In 182 I came the decipherment of the Rosetta Stone by Champollion, and this added a new zest to exploration and collecting. Champollion himself, together with Rosellini, was sent by the Governments of France and Tuscany on an expedition to Egypt, and much was done in copying stela:: and inscriptions. But the Prussian Government initiated a greater undertaking in 1842, under Lepsius, who extended his researches from Egypt into Nubia as far as Khartoum, and again into Syria and Palestine.
Texts of all periods show that the chief local gods of many cities retained their pre-eminence almost to the end. The land of Egypt was divided into provinces called hesput, to which the Greeks gave the name of nome. In each of these a certain god or group of gods held sway, the variation being caused by racial and other considerations. To the people of each nome their god was the deity p ar excellence, and in early times it is plain that the worship of each province amounted almost to a separate religion.
Khafra was entombed in the second pyramid of Gizeh, and that known as 'the Upper' at the same place was tenanted by the corpse of Menkaura. The smaller structures at Gizeh near the great and third pyramids were constructed for the families of Khufu and Khafra. f Lost' Pyramids Several of the pyramids alluded to in the ancient texts of these buildings have either entirely disappeared, or cannot be identified. Thus the burial-place of Shepseskaf, known by the delightful title of 'the Cool; is unknown.
Ancient Egyptian Myths and Legends by Lewis Spence
by Jeff