By Stuart Reid
ISBN-10: 1849085072
ISBN-13: 9781849085076
ISBN-10: 1849085080
ISBN-13: 9781849085083
ISBN-10: 1849089396
ISBN-13: 9781849089395
A beautiful exploration of a mythical second in Irish heritage. In 1798 with the British military preoccupied in combating France within the Caribbean and Mediterranean in addition to guarding Southeast England from threatened invasion, a co-ordinated rebellion broke out around the water in eire. Uniquely this was once neither a Catholic nor a Protestant uprising, yet relatively a joint attempt via leaders and insurgents from either side of the neighborhood. The Irish uprising (1798) was directed opposed to the corrupt executive dependent at Dublin fortress and used to be encouraged partly through the people's revolutions in the United States and France. This identify illuminates the lives of the Irish peasants, armed usually with pikes, who faced the small variety of British troops established of their state.
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Extra info for Armies of the Irish Rebellion 1798 (Men-at-Arms)
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40 B 1 : S e r g e a n t - M a j o r, A n t r i m M i l i t i a Like most of the Irish garrison, the Antrim Militia were scattered across the countryside in small detachments, and in the first few days of the rebellion they found themselves fighting a desperate series of actions against far larger bodies of rebels. Lieutenant Gardner’s defence of Baltinglas on 25 May, with just 50 of his own men and a number of small Yeomanry units, was typical. As the Gentleman’s Magazine reported at the time: ‘He at first took an advantageous situation in front of the town; but after a few shots without effect, the rebels filed off in every direction to surround him.
Very similar jackets with dark blue collar and cuffs are also illustrated in Robinson’s painting of Ballynahinch (possibly worn by the Belfast Yeomanry Cavalry), and in a painting of an officer of the Cork Yeomanry. ) Otherwise, the ubiquitous fur-crested Tarleton helmet, breeches, boots and accoutrements are the same as those worn by regulars, with the exception that some units did not receive carbines until after the rising had commenced. C 2 & C 3 : P r i v a t e s , Ye o m a n r y i n f a n t r y Reliable information on the uniforms worn by the numerous infantry corps raised as part of the Irish Yeomanry is almost entirely lacking, and the two soldiers depicted here are therefore substantially based on Thomas Rowlandson’s exactly contemporary illustrations of their counterparts in the various London Volunteer corps.
G 3 : I n s u r g e n t o ff i c e r This figure is a composite of two contemporary illustrations; one is a pencil sketch of an unknown rebel wearing a greatcoat, ‘who threatened to murder Mrs Tighe’, and the other a depiction of a grocer turned rebel colonel named McCulloch, in Robinson’s painting of Ballynahinch (see page 19). Beneath a caped greatcoat he wears a brown jacket with a red stand-and-fall collar and cloth-covered buttons, paler brown knee breeches, and stockings. We have given him a captured cavalry sabre and belt.
Armies of the Irish Rebellion 1798 (Men-at-Arms) by Stuart Reid
by Donald