By Eduardo Mendieta; Enrique Dussel
ISBN-10: 0847697762
ISBN-13: 9780847697762
ISBN-10: 0847697770
ISBN-13: 9780847697779
Enrique Ambrosini Dussel is and has been the most prolific Latin American philosophers of the final a hundred years. He has written over fifty books, and over 300 articles ranging over the historical past of the Latin American philosophy, political philosophy, church background, theology, ethics, and low items at the kingdom of Latin American countries.
Dussel is at the beginning an ethical thinker, a thinker of liberation. yet for him, philosophy has to be liberated in order that it might probably give a contribution to social liberation. in a single feel, "beyond philosophy" capability to head past modern, academicized, professionalized, and "civilized" philosophy by way of turning to all that demystifies the autonomy of philosophy and turns our realization to its resources. "Beyond philosophy," additionally capability to move past philosophy within the Marxian feel of abolishing philosophy by means of understanding it.
This is the definitive English language choice of Dussel's huge, immense physique of labor. it's going to let the reader to get a great experience of the breath and intensity of Dussel's opus, overlaying 4 significant parts: ethics, economics, heritage, and liberation theology.
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35 Latin American theology derives, by contrast, from the thinking of many politically involved Christians about he praxis for liberating the oppressed this theology-ethic is a product of the periphery, coming from the outsiders, from the lumpen of this world. h; Greek—diakonia), that is a ministry of liberation beyond the limits of ontology. And the sphere of liberation is not only political, but also sexual and educational. In fact, this is a theology of the poor, woman as a sexual object and the child.
22:21). Like the prophets before him, he thus did not believe in Caesar, the flesh, and the closed system. 16 To achieve the breakdown of the closed system of sin, otherness has to attack it subversively. The ana-lectic (what is outside the system), the absolute Other, the Word (in Hebrew da¯ bha¯ r, which has nothing to do with the Greek logos) breaks into the closed system and becomes flesh: “. . in the form of God . . he emptied himself (ekenosen) and took the form of a 03-202 02 Chap 01 28 6/4/03 7:01 AM Page 28 Chapter 1 servant” (doulou) (Phil.
The revealed category is clear enough: “I was hungry and you gave me no food. . ” (Mt. 25:42–44). 26 Following the death of the “divine” Europe, there can rise the faith in the poor of the periphery, faith in God as mediated by the poor. The new manifestation of God in history (not a resurrection, for he never died) will be brought about by righteousness and not by endless theological treatises on the death of God. 27 3. The Praxis of Liberation and Theology Given the data of revelation and by virtue of living faith, theology is a reflection of reality.
Beyond Philosophy: Ethics, History, Marxism, and Liberation Theology by Eduardo Mendieta; Enrique Dussel
by Charles