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By Brand Blanshard

ISBN-10: 0415295904

ISBN-13: 9780415295901

First released in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa corporation.

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One may recognizethe dangerwithout condoningthis methodof dealing with it. 'The love of truth,' said another great scholar, Housman, 'is the faintest of human passions',and when hurt pride and envy are at work, its whisper is too easily drowned out. It requires the pocketing of small egotismsin the attempt to find a common good and an objective better and worse. No nation canstandbeing rationally and pacifically governed more than a few years. Rational politics are dull ... Even more certainly, there never was a time when unreason,onceout of hand, had at its disposalsuchunimaginable powersof destruction.

15. Freud'spessimistictheoryof manseemedto manyto be tragically confirmedin two world wars. It was in a sensean evolutionisttheory which stressedthat man was imperfectly releasedfrom his animal status. The biologist E. G. Conklin remarked that 'feelings and emotionsare immenselyolder than reason,and they are accordingly much more potent in shapingbehaviour';2this was a main point of Freud. Man was a creatureof instinct with only a veneerof reason. When this veneerbroke, as it always did in times of stress,the imprisonedcave-manburstout with all his selfishness,lust, andcruelty.

What fastenedthe attentionof Freudwas that man continually goes wrong. '! 15. Freud'spessimistictheoryof manseemedto manyto be tragically confirmedin two world wars. It was in a sensean evolutionisttheory which stressedthat man was imperfectly releasedfrom his animal status. The biologist E. G. Conklin remarked that 'feelings and emotionsare immenselyolder than reason,and they are accordingly much more potent in shapingbehaviour';2this was a main point of Freud. Man was a creatureof instinct with only a veneerof reason.

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Reason and Analysis by Brand Blanshard

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