By Patricia H. Clarke (auth.), Edward R. Leadbetter, Jeanne S. Poindexter (eds.)
ISBN-10: 1461565111
ISBN-13: 9781461565116
ISBN-10: 1461565138
ISBN-13: 9781461565130
Any department of biology relies for its development at the improvement of latest recommendations and to a lesser, yet occasionally the most important, quantity at the removal of inaccurate notions. knowing the jobs of micro organism required first the commentary that such minute creatures existed, and therefore the exper imental demonstrations that their presence used to be helpful for the incidence of specific phenomena. during this first quantity, the authors evaluation the improvement of medical figuring out of the function of microbes as brokers of numerous ordinary approaches. particularly absent is a separate evaluate of the background of microbes as brokers of ailment, a his tory on hand in lots of different guides. unfortunately absent is a evaluation of the his tory of microbes as brokers of inorganic variations, a significant omission that resulted from the affliction of the possible writer past due within the instruction of this quantity. the subject will in fact be handled in later volumes, even if now not predominantly in a ancient demeanour. differently, the emphasis during this quantity is at the heritage of knowing interrelationships among modes of bacterial life and the inanimate atmosphere. those relationships have been confirmed lengthy be fore multicellular, differentiated or ganisms seemed as capability microbial habitats, and their acceptance and elucidation contributed drastically to the widened appreciation of bacterial di versity and the significance of those less complicated creatures to the physiochemical stipulations of the biosphere.
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Extra info for Bacteria in Nature: Volume 1: Bacterial Activities in Perspective
Example text
Clarke, P. , and Lilly, M. , 1969, Enzyme synthesis during growth, in: Microbial Growth, Symposium 19, Society fOT General Microbiology (P. M. ]. ), Cambridge University Press, London, pp. 113-159. , 1872, Untersuchen über Bakterien, Beitr. Biol. Pflanzen, Bd. I, Heft 2, 126-224. , 1875, Untersuchen über Backterien 11, Beitr. Biol. Pflanzen, Bd. I, Heft 3, 141-207. Cowan, S. , 1962, The microbial species-a macromyth? in: Microbial Classification, Symposium 12, Society for General Microbiology (G.
The laboratory at Delft was the center for the isolation of many different types of bacteria with novel metabolic activities. , 1957). Anaerobic Fermentations Kluyver succeeded Beijerinck as director of the Microbiology Laboratory of the Technical University of Delft in 1922. In his inaugural lecture, he discussed the part that microbiology might play in the education of the chemical engineer (Kluyver, 1957). Among the useful compounds produced by microorganisms he listed alcohol, lactic acid, butanol, butyric acid, and acetone.
Her views on such work were set out very clearly (Stephenson, 1938): "In the problem ofbacterial growth advances have been made along new lines. " In taking this view she was thinking of the values of chemically defined media for identifying growth factor requirements and for providing precise information about nutritional characteristics. In 1947, she referred with approval to Monod (1942) whose publication Recherehes sur La Croissance des CuLtures Bacteriennes gave precise and careful analyses of growth in defined media on different carbon sources.
Bacteria in Nature: Volume 1: Bacterial Activities in Perspective by Patricia H. Clarke (auth.), Edward R. Leadbetter, Jeanne S. Poindexter (eds.)
by Kenneth