By Diane E. Spinelle
ISBN-10: 1611226236
ISBN-13: 9781611226232
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SSB detection is largely achieved by the poly (ADP-ribose) polymerases, PARP-1 or PARP-2. A subset of SSBs arising during BER may also require detection or binding by PARPs. These proteins rapidly bind to and are activated by DNA strand breaks, and then covalently modify both themselves and other target proteins with poly (ADP-ribose). Double-Strand Break Repair A type of DNA damage particularly hazardous to cells is a break to both strands in the double helix, double strand breaks (DSBs). DSBs are more common than was once expected and are estimated to occur at levels of 10 per cell per day in mammals.
Hypoxia/reoxygenation induces apoptosis through biphasic induction of protein synthesis in central neurons. Brain Res, 1998, 787, 107-116. L. Prevention from hypoxia-induced apoptosis by preconditioning: a mechanistic approach in cultured neurons from fetal rat forebrain. Mol Brain Res, 1998, 58, 237-239. L. Transient hypoxia may lead to neuronal proliferation in the developing mammalian brain: from apoptosis to cell cycle completion. Neuroscience, 1999a, 91, 221-231. L. CPP32/CASPASE-3-like proteases in hypoxia-induced apoptosis in developing brain neurons, Mol.
Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 95,288-293. 36 Inna I. Kruman and Elena I. Schwartz Herrup, K; Neve, R; Ackerman, SL; Copani, A. (2004). Divide and die: cell cycle events as triggers of nerve cell death. J. Neurosci. 24,9232-9239. , (1998). Requirement for ATM in ionizing radiation-induced cell death in the developing central nervous system. Science. 280,1089-1091. Herzog, KH; Chong, MJ; Kapsetaki, M; Morgan, JI; McKinnon PJ. (1998). Requirement for Atm in ionizing radiation-induced cell death in the developing central nervous system.
Brain Mapping and Diseases by Diane E. Spinelle
by David