By John W. Wheeler-Bennett
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Long live the world-wide Socialist revolution ! Here in a few words was a declaration of war against Miliukov and Kerensky on the one hand, and Ludcndoril and Kautsky on the other. It was a forecast of Lenin's future policy. And he was its The appeal had The crowd took Lenin to its bald-headed little man, forty-seven right in his psychology. instantaneous effect. bosom, this strange, KERENSKY, LENIN, AND PEACE 45 whom few of them had ever seen before, but whose name already meant so much to them.
200-201. pp. 19-20. Leon Trotsky, History of 1933), i. 307. a Russian Revolution (London, 1932L oninj Collected Works, xx. Book 1, pp. 27-63. the KERENSKY, LENIN, AND PEACE 35 judgement, his acute perception of weakness and his abounding belief in the masses are disand strength, played, the more remarkably when it is considered how imperfect were his sources of information and his channels clarity of of communication. With devastating accuracy he demonstrated the inability of the Provisional Government to satisfy the fundamental desire of the Russian people for peace, and " " proclaimed as basis of the proletarian peace programme the publication and repudiation of the secret treaties which bound Russia to the and the immediate proposal to all belligerent parties of an armistice on all fronts.
This interview revealed clearly the gulf which ex- between official foreign policy and public opinion, and produced a storm of criticism in the Soviet. Bolshevik isted 1 Gumming and Pettit, p. 8. KERENSKY, LENIN, AND PEACE 30 and Menshevik alike joined in condemning this flag- rant espousal of the old imperialist policy. Prince Lvov hastened to explain away the contretemps. The Foreign. Minister had, he said, given his purely personal views as regards the annexation of Constantinople, views with which the Government, as a whole, were not in accord.
Brest-Litovsk: The Forgotten Peace, March 1918 by John W. Wheeler-Bennett
by David