By S. Wheatcroft
ISBN-10: 0230506119
ISBN-13: 9780230506114
ISBN-10: 0333712390
ISBN-13: 9780333712399
ISBN-10: 1349413429
ISBN-13: 9781349413423
This assortment offers perspectives on key facets of Russian/Soviet heritage akin to the non-Slavic assets of Russian statehood; tsarist penal structures; the pre-evolutionary technological point; the famine of 1931-3; patronage practices in Stalin's Russia; and the autumn of the Soviet Union.
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Additional info for Challenging Traditional Views of Russian History
Sample text
31-41. Shepard discusses four possible sites: Sweden, Gorodishche, Rostov, and the Upper Volga, while G. V. 26 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. The Pre-Revolutionary Period Vernadsky, Kievan Russia (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1948), p. 174, proposes Tmutorakan (modern Taman) on the straits of Kerch. Gumilev, Drevnyaya Rus', p. 107, assumes that Kiev was their capital, but that their original base was in the Crimea.
1951), p. 11. 59. For example, Ibn Fadlan, in Kovalevskii, Kniga Akhmeda ibn Fadlana, pp. 131-2. 60. Franklin and Shepard, Emergence of Rus', p. 63. 61. ; and Kovalevskii, Kniga Akhmeda ibn Fadlana, pp. 140-1. 62. J. Martin, Treasure of the Land of Darkness: the Fur Trade and its Significance for Medieval Russia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986), p. 22. 63. G. A. , Gorod Bolgar: ocherki istorii i kul'tury (Moscow: 'Nauka', 1988), p. 3. 64. , p. 10. 65. A. P. Smirnov, 'Volzhskaya Bolgariya', in Pletneva, Stepi Evrazii, p.
Franklin and Shepard, Emergence of Rus', pp. 56, 59. , p. 108. Kovalevskii, Kniga Akhmeda ibn Fadlana, p. 141. See Jones, History of the Vikings, p. 164, for summary of evidence from Masudi and Muqqadasi; and Kovalevskii, Kniga Akhmeda ibn Fad/ana, p. 142. , p. 142. Ibn Fadlan's account is translated in Jones, History of the Vikings, pp. 425-30. See also Vernadsky, Sourcebook, vol. 1, p. 10, for a similar report from Ibn Rusta . Masudi reports of the Rus' that: 'their women desire to be burned with their husbands so as to follow them to paradise'.
Challenging Traditional Views of Russian History by S. Wheatcroft
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