By Wilfred R. Bion
ISBN-10: 0946439982
ISBN-13: 9780946439980
This can be a number of occasional writings via Bion, overlaying a interval among 1958 and 1979, which delve right into a wide selection of fabric - psychoanalysis, technological know-how, arithmetic and common sense, literature and semantics.
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This contributes to the state where dreams are 'invisible', wet, and being awake is 'dry'; (b) the individual super-ego, a murderous object, which becomes manifest if synthesis of the fragments of the paranoid-schiz44 COGITATIONS 45 oid position is effected by dream-work bringing the depressive position into being. Social and individual super-ego both contribute by their fearfulness to patients' need to make destructive attacks in dream mechanism. When this happens in the session, the patient will show fear that he is dead or has lost consciousness, because the dream is that which makes available, as part of the personality, both the events of external emotional reality and the events of internal pre-verbal psychic reality.
And is the meaning it has of any importance except as an indication of my personality and how it reacts to a particular form of stimulus? Yes, obviously it has, because I have just spoken of a 'particular form of stimulus' and this at once suggests (a) it is a stimulus, and (b) it has a particular form. I 14 July 1959 t is clear that if the search is for the harmonizing fact that marks the transition from the paranoid-schizoid to the depressive position (Poincare, Science and Method, p. 30, and Braithwaite on causation), then much depends on the nature of the elements that are seen to be harmoniously coherent on the discovery of the harmonizing fact, and on the mental make-up of the investigator who discovers, or (according to Poincare> selects the harmonizing fact.
Not only the creative person needs to dream to accomplish the act of creation involving experience of the Positions, but also the lesser mortal who needs to do it to 'understand' the interpretation, each good interpretation being, as I have said before, an event that is, or should be, significant as one of the selected facts to which Poincare draws attention. The patient who consistently 'cannot understand' may not simply be resisting, but resistibg in a particular way. Indeed it may be that here lies the essential difference between the resistance as something peculiar to the neurotic and relegation to the unconscious, and psychotic destruction of the means for understanding which is associated with an apparently full consciousness of what is ordinarily the furniture of the unconscious.
Cogitations by Wilfred R. Bion
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