By Michele Graziadei, Ugo Mattei, Lionel Smith
ISBN-10: 0511135181
ISBN-13: 9780511135187
ISBN-10: 0521849195
ISBN-13: 9780521849197
In eu felony platforms, a number of methods to belief and relationships of belief meet the common professionalization of asset administration prone. This booklet explores that interface which will search a greater figuring out of the criminal law of the entrustment of wealth. in the technique of the typical center of ecu inner most legislations, the amount offers situations at the institution and termination of administration relationships, responsibilities of loyalty and of professionalism, and the alternative of legislation.
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Additional resources for Commercial Trusts in European Private Law (The Common Core of European Private Law)
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Arb. Tr/Trs Trust L. Int. UCITS VABEF Vand. J. Trans. L. VersR Ves. Vita not. , Kommentar zum Allgemeinen Bu¨rgerlichen Gesetzbuch I3 (2000) sub x 1002 Butschek, ‘Die Rechtsstellung des Treugebers bei der uneigennu¨tzigen Treuhand’, JBL 1991, 365 Heidinger, Das neue Investmentfondsrecht (1998) Jappel, Treuhandschaften (1998) Kastner, ‘Die Treuhandschaft im o¨sterreichischen Recht’, JBl 1948, 305; JBl 1949, 90, 420, 537; JBl 1954, 138; JBl 1958, 109 ‘Die Treuhand im o¨sterreichischen Recht’, in Ha¨mmerle-FS (1972), 163 Lehner, ‘Treuhand und Liegenschaftsverkehr’, NZ 1986, 121 Schultze, ‘Treuha¨nder im geltenden bu¨rgerlichen Recht’, JherJB 43 (1901) 1 Thurnher, Grundfragen des Treuhandwesens (1994) Walter, Die Treuhand im Exekutions- und Insolvenzverfahren (1998) Weber, Das Investmentfondsgesetz (1998) Belgium Byttebier, Voorrechten en hypotheken in hoofdlijnen (1997) Handboek financieel recht (2001) De Boeck, Informatierechten en -plichten bij de totstandkoming en uitvoering van overeenkomsten (2000) De Page, Traite´ e´le´mentaire du droit civil belge, vol.
Implications pratiques (Brussels, 1997), 267 ff. Countless works by common law authors provide prima facie support for a view of trusts which relies on double ownership as a key feature of trusts. , Kevin J. Grey and Susan Grey, Elements of Land Law, 3rd edn (London, 2001), 81 ff. 19 This analysis ultimately evolved into the idea that trusts were legal persons,20 though, of course, the prevailing view of the institution in common law jurisdictions avoids collapsing trusts into legal personality.
Int. priv. proc. Riv. giur. sarda Riv. soc. RTD civ. RTD com. Rz S SB SC [in Irish report] SC [in Scottish report] SCC Sch. & Lef. SchVG SCR Sel. Cas. T. King SGTA 1977 SI SICAV [in French and Luxembourg reports] xxix Real Decreto Regio decreto legge Chambre des Requeˆtes (Cour de Cassation) Responsabilita` civile e previdenza Revue des proce´dures collectives Reichsgericht Reichsgesetzblatt Regime General das Instituic¸o˜es de Cre´dito e das Sociedades Financeiras Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts in Zivilsachen Rivista di diritto civile Rivista di diritto dell’impresa Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale Rivista giuridica sarda Rivista delle societa` Revue trimestrielle de droit civil Revue trimestrielle de droit commercial Rundzahl Sirey Securities Board of the Netherlands (Stichting Toezicht Effectenverkeer) Supreme Court Session Cases Supreme Court of Canada Scholes & Lefroy Law Reports Gesetz betreffend die gemeinsamen Rechte der Besitzer von Schuldverschreibungen of 4 December 1899 Supreme Court Reports (Canada) Select Cases in the Time of Lord Chancellor King (reprinted in ER) 1977 Securities Giro Administration and Transfer Act (Wet Giraal Effectenverkeer 1977) Statutory Instrument socie´te´ d’investissement a` capital variable xxx LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS SICAV [in Italian report] SICAV [in Portuguese report] SLT SMEs Soc Societa` Somm.
Commercial Trusts in European Private Law (The Common Core of European Private Law) by Michele Graziadei, Ugo Mattei, Lionel Smith
by Steven