By Derek Richter
ISBN-10: 0080104657
ISBN-13: 9780080104652
Comparative Neurochemistry, a set of papers offered on the 5th foreign Symposium of Comparative Neurochemistry, held at St. Wolfgang, Austria in 1962, offers with diversifications in neurochemical mechanisms in several animal species.
The e-book integrates the information derived from comparative reports in numerous disciplines and assesses their importance when it comes to the knowledge of worried mechanisms in animals, together with human. The papers are grouped into sections, which disguise normal subject matters on sensible association in numerous species; lipids, proteins, and ribonucleic acid; amino acids in several species; power metabolism and serve as; neurosecretory mechanisms; and comparative neuropharmacology.
The textual content should be of curiosity to biologists, zoologists, pharmacologists, chemists, neurologists, and researchers within the pharmaceutical and chemical industries.
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1 3 7 , 3 8 7 . PASSANO L. M . and MCCULLOUGH C . Β . ( 1 9 6 1 ) Fed. Proc. 20, 3 3 8 . WIERSMA C . A . G . ( 1 9 5 8 ) / . Comp. Neurol. 1 1 0 , 4 2 1 . WIERSMA C . A . G . and HUGHES G . M . ( 1 9 6 1 ) / . Comp. Neurol. 1 Î 6 , 2 0 9 . MYELIN FORMATION AND NEURON HISTOGENESIS IN TISSUE CULTURE MARGARET R. MURRAY Departments of Anatomy and Surgery, Columbia University, New York histogenesis and myelin formation would be a large field to cover adequately, and it is a particularly difficult one to systematize from the comparative standpoint.
No other device senses so well the influence of two separate signals which are adjacent in time or space. There seems to be no reason why any interneuron acting as a way-station in a lower ganglion should not be the site of long-term changes which can be classed as sensory-sensory association. One may quickly see how such a mechanism could work by supposing that arriving impulses which represent the conditioned stimulus have a lasting effect on the interneuron and modify its response only if impressed by the immediately subsequent arrival of impulses representing the unconditioned stimulus.
The next, or intermediate, stage in maturation involves movement of the nucleus towards the centre of the cell, accompanied by a con- FIG. 9. Rat sensory ganglion 40 days in vitro. Stained with Sudan black Β after formalin fixation, to show extensive myelinated tracts. Low power. MYELIN FORMATION AND NEURON HISTOGENESIS IN TISSUE CULTURE 55 centric distribution of small Nissl particles around it (Fig. 7 ) . In the chick the dense peripheral accumulations persist for a long period, but in the rat they rarely are found after the nucleus has assumed a central position; instead the cytoplasm may be packed with small Nissl bodies, or show only moderate accumulations of small particles around the nucleus.
Comparative Neurochemistry. Proceedings of the Fifth International Neurochemical Symposium by Derek Richter
by Michael