By Alan H. Batten (auth.), Elias G. Mariolopoulos, Pericles S. Theocaris, L. N. Mavridis (eds.)
ISBN-10: 9400977662
ISBN-13: 9789400977662
ISBN-10: 9400977689
ISBN-13: 9789400977686
When we first approached a few colleagues allover the area to sound them a couple of quantity devoted to Professor John Xanthakis at the social gathering of finishing twenty-five years of medical actions as fellow of the nationwide Academy of Athens, any attainable doubts as to the feasibility of the venture have been fast dispelled via their hot and inspiring reaction. very quickly 50 authors from 15 international locations, coming from a variety of Professor Xanthakis' instant colleagues, students and buddies joined to provide the 36 contributions integrated during this quantity. a few of those that the place initially approached came upon themselves un capable of give a contribution, as a result time-limit unavoidably imposed. Happi ly, they have been simply few in quantity, and we must always wish to checklist our grat itude to them for his or her reliable needs for the luck of the enterprise. Their hot phrases have been among the assets of inspiring encouragement prolonged to us.
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IJ trap. iJ untrap. 06 " " " " " " trap. 07 max. 7 J. The total increase of J is given in the last column of Table III. We notice that the adiabatic invariant is better conserved than the total energy in all cases. In. This change is an order of magnitude smaller than the change of the energy when an orbit is either trapped or untrapped. Table IV gives the maxima and minima of E. n~nas well as the range of values of 8 in each group. We see that (E f . ) decreases and . ln max (E . ) . lncreases from group to group.
BCI cent. 000 stadia to the meridian circle; this being the value picked up by Marinos of Tyre (II century AD) in his Geography, and by Ptolemy (II century AD) in his Almagesto. Cf. F. Enriques-G. de Santillana, Storia del pensiero scientifico, Zanichelli, Bologna 1932, pp. 279-281; P. Tannery, Recherches sur l'Histoire de l'astronomie ancienne, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1893. For a more extensive bibliography and more up-to-date information, cf .. ' the recent book by G. Dragoni, Eratostene e l'apogeo della scienza greca, CLUEB, Bologna, 1979, pp.
1959, Phys. Rev. 115, 791. : 1966, Astron. J~l, 1. : 1966, Astron. J. 71, 425. : 1964, Astron. J. 69-,-73. : 1962, J. Math. Physics, 3, 806. : 1957, Phys. Rev. 106,205. : 1959, Ann. Physics~ 261. : 1964, Theory a~d Application of Mathieu Functions, Dover Publ. New York, pp. 16, 40. : 1976, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 14,215. : 1972, Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. 160,169. : 1961, Ann. Physics 12, 436. : 1979, Celes. , 19, 3. RADIATION PRESSURE EFFECT ON DUST SURROUNDING THE PLEIADES BRIGHT STARS P.
Compendium in Astronomy: A Volume Dedicated to Professor John Xanthakis on the Occasion of Completing Twenty-five Years of Scientific Activities as Fellow of the National Academy of Athens by Alan H. Batten (auth.), Elias G. Mariolopoulos, Pericles S. Theocaris, L. N. Mavridis (eds.)
by Steven