By Hartmut Berghoff, Uwe Spiekermann (eds.)
ISBN-10: 1137013001
ISBN-13: 9781137013002
ISBN-10: 1349297291
ISBN-13: 9781349297290
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For Germany, see Daniela Münkel, “Konsum auf dem Land vom Kaiserreich bis in die Bundesrepublik,” in Konsumgesellschaft, ed. Haupt and Torp, 205–20. Roman Sandgruber, Die Anfänge der Konsumgesellschaft: Konsumgüterverbrauch, Lebensstandard und Alltagskultur in Österreich im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert (Vienna, 1982); Sheila Fitzpatrick, Stalin’s Peasants: Resistance and Survival in the Russian Village after Collectivization (New York and Oxford, 1994). 69. Victoria de Grazia deals with a broad variety of cultural goods in Irresistible Empire.
52. See Malgorzata Mazurek, “Les experts dans la ‘société des files d’attente’: les chances du consumérisme dans la Pologne communiste de Solidarno´sc´,” in Vie quotidienne et pouvoir sous le communisme: Consommer à l’Est, ed. Nadège Ragaru and Antonela Capelle-Pog˘acean (Paris, 2010), 175–205; Malgorzata Mazurek and Matthew Hilton, “Consumerism, Solidarity and Communism: Consumer Protection and the Consumer Movement in Poland,” Journal of Contemporary History 42, no. 2 (2007): 315–43; Ulf Brunnbauer, “Die sozialistische Lebensweise”: Ideologie, Politik und Alltag in Bulgarien (1944–89) (Wien, 2007); David Crowley and Susan E.
86. ” CHAPTER 2 Research on the History of Consumption in the United States: An Overview Gary Cross I n many ways, consumer society defines America just as it defines the modern. Curiously, however, the history of American consumer society has flowered only recently and then with a heavy overlay of moral and ideological division. American approaches focus on the social and cultural impact of affluence and are deeply wed to issues of the changing American character, the contradictions between traditional values of simplicity and the virtues or perils of plenty,1 the historical shifts from the political (or rational and activist) understanding of the consumer to the materialist and psychological meaning of “consumerism,” and the impact of consumer goods on class, race, gender, and political identity.
Decoding Modern Consumer Societies by Hartmut Berghoff, Uwe Spiekermann (eds.)
by Charles