New PDF release: Der Wolkenpavillon: Ein neuer Fall für Sano Ichirô

By Laura Joh Rowland

ISBN-10: 3838705092

ISBN-13: 9783838705095

Japan, 1701. Chiyo, die Cousine des Samurais Sano Ichiro, kehrt von einer Reise zum Tempel in Awashima nicht zurück. Der Ermittler des Shoguns hatte jahrelang keinen Kontakt zur Familie seiner Mutter. Jetzt aber fleht sein Onkel ihn an, die Vergangenheit ruhen zu lassen und ihm bei der Suche nach seiner Tochter zu helfen. Unfähig, die Notsituation zu ignorieren, in der sich seine Cousine offensichtlich befindet, begibt sich Sano auf die verzweifelte Suche - und findet heraus, dass noch zwei weitere Frauen unter ähnlich mysteriösen Umständen verschwunden sind. Die Zeit drängt. Kann Sano den Verbrecher stellen, bevor dieser noch mehr Frauen ins Unglück stürzt?

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The annual report revealed that the board of the Culture-Promoting Foundation was comprised of sixteen directors. The secretariat was composed of fifteen staff, including three part timers. Amateur Sports Association The Amateur Sports Association (taiiku kyøkai) is another major incorporated foundation. This association is organized by thirty-two clubs with some 2,000 local people devoted to local sports such as volleyball, tennis, baseball, soccer, karate, swimming, and golf. According to a leader of the Kawazoe tennis club, the Amateur Sports Association, established shortly after World War II in 1951, encourages everyone in Kawazoe to enjoy sports and provides support for the proper and safe conduct of sporting activities.

At the time of my fieldwork, there were about 660 households in the neighborhood, 540 of which (about 80 percent) joined the chøkai. Anybody living or working in the neighborhood can join. Many people living in apartment houses, such as students and young couples, do not join as individuals; instead, these residents join as a group, typically as an apartment unit. 50). These funds were used for buying such items as shared cleaning equipment and decorations for the summer festival. In addition, the municipal government provided 100,000 yen (approximately $900) annually for activities.

High-rise condo construction has been booming in Tokyo since the late 1990s; these projects, led by major construction companies, are often conceived as part of revitalization schemes to boost the local economy. Presenting the phrase kawanote no kurashi (life in Kawanote) with images of panoramic night views of Tokyo taken from the condominiums, the advertisements try to sell a chic lifestyle along the urban waterfront. These tower condos have been defining a new Tokyo skyline. Further, in March 2006, a plan was announced for the construction of a second Tokyo tower in this area, which, if completed, would be the tallest freestanding tower (610 meters) in the world and the tallest man-made structure in Japan (Nihon Keizai Shimbun, March 25, 2006).

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Der Wolkenpavillon: Ein neuer Fall für Sano Ichirô by Laura Joh Rowland

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