Download e-book for iPad: Digital fundamentals with PLD programming by Thomas L. Floyd

By Thomas L. Floyd

ISBN-10: 0131972553

ISBN-13: 9780131972551

Reflecting long adventure within the engineering undefined, this bestseller presents thorough, up to date insurance of electronic fundamentals–from simple ideas to microprocessors, programmable good judgment, and electronic sign processing. Floyd's acclaimed emphasis on applications utilizing genuine devices and on troubleshooting offers clients the problem-solving event they are going to want of their specialist careers. identified for its transparent, exact reasons of conception supported by means of more suitable workouts and examples, this book's full-color structure is jam-packed with the visible aids cutting-edge newcomers have to clutch usually complicated recommendations. KEY TOPICS: The e-book incorporates a finished evaluation of basic subject matters and a special creation to 2 renowned programmable common sense software program programs (Altera and Xilinx) and boundary test software program. For digital technicians, process designers, engineers.

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HIGH. LOW. LOW. LOW. HIGH (b) LOW. LOW, LOW. HIGH, LOW, HIGH. LOW, HIGH, LOW 4. List the sequence of levels < HIGH and LOW) that represent each of the following bit sequences: (a) I 0 I II0 I (b) I I I 0 I 00 I 5. For the pulse shown in Figure I-60. graphically determine the following: (a) rise time (b) fall time (d) amplitude (c) pulse width FIGURE 1-60 Volts . 6. Determine the period of the digital waveform in Figure I-6 1 7. What is the frequency of the waveform in Figure I -61? ÿ Mps) PROBLEMS ÿ 43 8.

Serial hits () 1 Q 1 0 0 0 0 - 010- 0 0 0 1 0- -1 010- 0 0 1- -0- -1 0 0 -1- -0- -1 Initially, the register contains only invalid data or all zeros as show n here. First bil ( I) is shifted serially into the register. Second bit (0> is shifted serially into register and first hit is shifted right. Third hit ( 1) is shifted into register and the fust and second hits are shifted right. Fourth hit (0) Is shifted into register and the first, second, and third bits arc shifted right. The register now stores all four hits and is full.

_ FIGURE 1-22 A decoder used to convert a special binary code into a 7-segment decimal readout. Binary input 7-segmcnt display The Data Selection Function Two types of circuits that select data are the multiplexer and the demultiplexer. The multi¬ plexer. or mux for short, is a logic circuit that switches digital data from several input lines onto a single output line in a specified time sequence. Functionally, a multiplexer can be represented by an electronic switch operation that sequentially connects each of the input lines to the output line.

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Digital fundamentals with PLD programming by Thomas L. Floyd

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