Dismantling the East-West Dichotomy: Essays in Honour of Jan - download pdf or read online

By Joy Hendry, Heung Wah Wong

ISBN-10: 0203968697

ISBN-13: 9780203968697

ISBN-10: 0415397383

ISBN-13: 9780415397384

It's been wide-spread within the appraisal of the several ways to the examine of Japan anthropology to invoke an East-West dichotomy positing hegemonic ‘Western’ structures of proposal opposed to a extra genuine ‘Eastern’ substitute. best students within the box of Japan anthropology research, problem and try and circulation past the proposal of an East-West divide within the research of Japan anthropology. They speak about particular fieldwork and ethnographic concerns, where of the individual in the context of the dichotomy, and local views at the factor. Articulating the impression of the East-West divide in different disciplines, together with museum reports, faith, enterprise and social ecology, the e-book makes an attempt to seem in the direction of a brand new anthropology that transcends the constraints of a simplistic East-West competition, bearing in mind the wealth of nearby and worldwide views which are exhibited by means of modern scholarship on Japan anthropology. In concluding if the development accomplished in anthropological paintings on Japan offers a version for strong perform past this neighborhood specialization, this well timed and critical booklet presents a necessary exam of the present country of the tutorial research of Japan anthropology.

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The concepts of uchi and soto were essential to this concept: depending on the frame in which an actor found himself, his behaviour shifted accordingly. A senior executive in the office might well behave like a junior when in the karate do¯jo¯ – it all depended on how far along the insider/outsider continuum a person might find themselves. 2 One of the most interesting attempts to grapple with the relational aspects of uchi and soto has been offered by Bachnik and Quinn (1994), but it has been in the rarely read work of Bernier (1975) that I have found a powerful suggestion: while uchi and soto are relational, they also constitute each other and Japanese religious practices depend on the fact that key ceremonial moments are those in which the soto must be carefully allowed into the uchi.

The series of intense debates between Kuwayama, van Bremen, Asquith and others (see van Bremen, 2000c) also relate to the effect of being a native or non-native, an anthropologist from the East or from the West, on not only how one studies Japan but also how one is able to present and disseminate that research. In my own retrospective work (Goodman 2000: 163), I realise how being British made me focus on the issue of class in my study of Japanese returnees. Other variables that have been looked at are ethnicity (Guvenc 1981; Kondo 1990; Hamabata 1990), age and life course (Smith 2005), gender (Roberts 2005), and sexuality (Treat 1999).

East’ Meets ‘East’: the Japanese Conceptions of the Self Wet-rice agriculture, introduced from somewhere in Asia to Japan around 400 BCE, gradually supplanted the previous hunting-gathering subsistence economy that began with the first occupation of the archipelago around 200,000 BCE. Wet-rice agriculture provided the economic and symbolic foundation for the Yamato state and the imperial system (Ohnuki-Tierney 1993). The agrarian cosmology developed during the ancient period built a lasting cosmological tradition, with residual effects even today when the rice economy is no longer important and the imperial system is reduced to its ‘symbolic’ presence.

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Dismantling the East-West Dichotomy: Essays in Honour of Jan van Bremen (Japan Anthropology Workshop Series) by Joy Hendry, Heung Wah Wong

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